
Khan Dominates the Rift: A Look at the League of Legends Pro’s Success

Khan is a well-known professional League of Legends player who has been making waves in the esports scene for... Fragster | 22. October 2023

Khan is a well-known professional League of Legends player who has been making waves in the esports scene for several years. He is known for his exceptional skills in the top lane and has played for various teams throughout his career. Khan’s real name is Kim Dong-ha, and he hails from South Korea.

Khan began his career in League of Legends in 2013, playing for the team Prime Optimus. He quickly made a name for himself as a talented top laner and was soon picked up by other teams. In 2017, he joined the team Longzhu Gaming, where he helped lead the team to victory in the LCK Summer Split and the 2017 League of Legends World Championship.

Since then, Khan has played for several other teams, including SK Telecom T1 and FunPlus Phoenix. He is known for his aggressive playstyle and his ability to carry games from the top lane. With his impressive track record and exceptional skills, Khan is considered one of the best top laners in the world and a force to be reckoned with in the League of Legends esports scene.

Khan’s Career in League of Legends

Khan, also known as Kim Dong-ha, is a retired professional League of Legends player from South Korea. He played in the top lane position and is known for his aggressive playstyle and exceptional mechanics. In this section, we will take a closer look at Khan’s career in League of Legends, including his early career, peak performance, and current status.

Early Career

Khan started his professional career in 2014 when he played for Prime Optimus in the HOT6iX Champions Spring tournament. Although his team managed to upset SKT T1 S in the group stage, they fell short with their 1-0-2 record. Khan continued to play for Prime Optimus until July 2014 when he joined Team WE Academy.

In 2016, Khan joined Longzhu Gaming and quickly established himself as one of the best top laners in the world. He helped lead Longzhu Gaming to victory in the LCK Summer Split and secured a spot at the 2017 World Championship.

Peak Performance

Khan’s peak performance came during the 2017 World Championship where he played for the newly formed team, Kingzone DragonX. He dominated the competition with his exceptional play and helped lead his team to the semifinals. During the tournament, he was named the MVP of the group stage and was widely regarded as one of the best players in the world.

In 2018, Khan joined SK Telecom T1 and continued to perform at a high level. He helped lead his team to victory in the LCK Spring Split and secured a spot at the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational. However, SK Telecom T1 struggled at the tournament and was eliminated in the group stage.

Current Status

Khan retired from professional League of Legends in 2020 and has since become a popular streamer in South Korea. He continues to be highly regarded in the League of Legends community and is often cited as one of the best top laners in the game’s history.

Overall, Khan’s career in League of Legends was marked by his exceptional mechanics, aggressive playstyle, and ability to dominate his opponents. He helped lead his teams to victory in multiple tournaments and was widely regarded as one of the best players in the world during his peak performance.

Khan’s Signature Champions

Khan is known for his flexibility in the top lane and his ability to play a wide range of champions. However, there are a few champions that he has become particularly well-known for playing at a high level.


Jayce is often considered Khan’s signature champion. He has played Jayce in numerous games throughout his career and has shown a great deal of proficiency on the champion. Jayce is a ranged top laner who can also transform into a melee champion, making him a versatile pick. Khan’s ability to play aggressively and make use of Jayce’s early game power has made him a formidable opponent on this champion.


Another champion that Khan has shown great skill on is Fiora. Fiora is a melee top laner who excels at dueling and split pushing. Khan’s ability to outplay opponents in 1v1 situations and his strong mechanics make him a natural fit for this champion. His ability to use Fiora’s kit to its fullest potential has allowed him to carry games and make a name for himself as one of the best Fiora players in the world.


Renekton is a champion that Khan has played frequently throughout his career. Renekton is a melee top laner who excels at trading in the early game and can be a dominant force in team fights. Khan’s aggressive playstyle and ability to snowball early leads has made him a force to be reckoned with on this champion. His ability to use Renekton’s early game power to secure advantages for himself and his team has made him a valuable asset in many games.

Overall, Khan’s ability to play a wide range of champions has made him a versatile and dangerous opponent. However, his proficiency on champions like Jayce, Fiora, and Renekton has made him a standout player in the top lane.

Khan’s Gameplay Style

Khan is known for his aggressive and dominant playstyle in the top lane, often pushing his lane opponent to their limits. He is a versatile player, able to play a variety of champions and adapt to different team compositions.

One of Khan’s strengths is his ability to snowball his lead and carry games. He is known for his exceptional mechanics and decision-making, which allows him to outplay opponents in 1v1 situations and team fights.

Khan’s champion pool includes a variety of carry champions such as Jayce, Fiora, and Camille. He is also proficient on tank champions like Ornn and Maokai, which allows him to play a more supportive role for his team when needed.

In addition to his individual skill, Khan is also a strong team player. He is known for his communication and shot-calling abilities, which allows him to lead his team to victory.

Overall, Khan’s gameplay style is aggressive, versatile, and dominant. He is a skilled player who is able to carry games and adapt to different situations, making him a valuable asset to any team.

Impact on Professional League of Legends

Khan is widely recognized as one of the most talented top-laners in the history of professional League of Legends. He has made a significant impact on the game and has been a role model for many aspiring players.

Khan’s career began in 2013 when he joined Prime Optimus. He quickly gained recognition for his skill and was picked up by Team WE Academy in 2014. However, it wasn’t until he joined Longzhu Gaming in 2016 that he truly made his mark on the competitive scene.

During his time with Longzhu Gaming, Khan helped the team win the LCK Summer Split in 2017 and went on to win the World Championship with his team later that year. He was hailed as one of the key players in the team’s success and was awarded the MVP title for his outstanding performance.

Khan’s success continued when he joined SK Telecom T1 in 2018. He helped the team win the LCK Spring Split and the Mid-Season Invitational that year. He was also named the MVP of the LCK Spring Split.

Khan’s impact on professional League of Legends can be seen in the way he has influenced the game. He is known for his aggressive playstyle and his ability to dominate his lane. Many players have tried to emulate his style of play, and he has inspired a new generation of top-laners.

Overall, Khan’s impact on professional League of Legends has been significant. He has helped his teams win multiple championships and has inspired many players to strive for greatness. His legacy will continue to be felt in the game for years to come.

Khan’s Achievements and Awards

Khan is a retired professional League of Legends player from South Korea, known for his exceptional skills as a top laner. He has achieved numerous accolades throughout his career, including several championship titles and MVP awards. Here are some of his most notable achievements and awards:

  • 2017 LCK Summer Split MVP: Khan earned the Most Valuable Player award for the 2017 LCK Summer Split, showcasing his outstanding performance as a top laner for Longzhu Gaming. He helped lead his team to victory in the playoffs, securing their spot at the 2017 World Championship.
  • 2017 World Championship Winner: Khan’s exceptional skills as a top laner were instrumental in Longzhu Gaming’s victory at the 2017 World Championship. He played a crucial role in his team’s success, dominating his opponents in the top lane and helping secure key objectives throughout the tournament.
  • 2018 LCK Spring Split MVP: Khan earned his second MVP award during the 2018 LCK Spring Split, once again showcasing his exceptional skills as a top laner. He helped lead his team, Kingzone DragonX, to victory in the playoffs and secured their spot at the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational.
  • 2018 Mid-Season Invitational Runner-Up: Khan’s exceptional performance as a top laner helped Kingzone DragonX reach the finals of the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational, where they faced off against Royal Never Give Up. Although they ultimately fell short, Khan’s outstanding skills and leadership helped propel his team to the finals.
  • 2019 LCK Summer Split MVP: Khan earned his third MVP award during the 2019 LCK Summer Split, showcasing his continued dominance as a top laner. He helped lead his team, SK Telecom T1, to victory in the playoffs and secured their spot at the 2019 World Championship.
  • 2021 LCK Spring Split Champion: Khan helped lead DWG KIA to victory in the 2021 LCK Spring Split, showcasing his exceptional skills as a top laner throughout the tournament. He played a crucial role in his team’s success, dominating his opponents in the top lane and helping secure key objectives throughout the playoffs.

Overall, Khan’s achievements and awards demonstrate his exceptional skills as a top laner and his ability to lead his team to victory. His contributions to the League of Legends community have earned him a place among the game’s most legendary players.

Criticism and Controversies

Khan has not been immune to criticism and controversies during his career. Here are some notable instances:

  • Racist comment: In 2017, Khan was fined and suspended by Riot Games for making a racist comment during a solo queue game. The incident sparked a debate about racism in the League of Legends community and the appropriate punishment for such behavior.
  • Inconsistent performance: While Khan is widely regarded as one of the best top laners in the world, he has also been criticized for his inconsistent performance. Some fans and analysts have pointed out that Khan tends to underperform in high-pressure situations, such as big matches or international tournaments.
  • Role-swapping controversy: In 2021, Khan was involved in a controversy when he was asked to play jungle for his team, DWG KIA, during a match. Some fans and analysts criticized the decision, arguing that it was unfair to Khan and that it could hurt the team’s chances of winning.

Despite these controversies, Khan remains one of the most talented and respected players in the League of Legends community. His skill and experience have earned him a reputation as a fierce competitor and a valuable asset to any team.

Khan’s Influence on Future Players

Khan’s career in League of Legends has left a significant impact on the game and its players. As a top laner, he has demonstrated exceptional skill and strategy, leading his teams to victory and earning numerous accolades.

One of the key ways Khan has influenced future players is through his innovative playstyle. He is known for his aggressive, high-risk, high-reward approach to the game, which has inspired many other players to adopt a similar style. His willingness to take risks and make bold moves has set a new standard for top laners and has helped to push the game to new heights.

Khan’s success has also served as a source of motivation for many aspiring players. His dedication to the game and his relentless pursuit of excellence have made him a role model for players around the world. Many players look up to him as an example of what can be achieved through hard work, determination, and a love of the game.

In addition to his individual achievements, Khan has also had a significant impact on the teams he has played for. His leadership and strategic insight have helped to guide his teams to victory, and his ability to work well with his teammates has served as an inspiration to other players.

Overall, Khan’s influence on League of Legends is undeniable. He has helped to shape the game into what it is today, and his legacy will continue to inspire future players for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Did Khan win the League of Legends World Championship?

Yes, Khan has won the League of Legends World Championship. He won the championship in 2017 while playing for the team, Longzhu Gaming.

What is Hanlabong and its relation to Khan?

Hanlabong is the original in-game name that Khan used when he started playing League of Legends professionally. It is not related to any team or organization.

What happened to Khan in League of Legends?

Khan is still active in the League of Legends scene. However, he has faced some challenges in his career, including a decline in performance and a mandatory military service that is expected to interrupt his professional career.

What teams has Khan played for in League of Legends?

Khan has played for several teams in his professional career, including Longzhu Gaming, Kingzone DragonX, SK Telecom T1, and FunPlus Phoenix.

Is Khan still an active player in League of Legends?

Yes, Khan is still an active player in League of Legends. He is currently playing for the team FunPlus Phoenix.

Who is Faker and how does he compare to Khan in League of Legends?

Faker is a well-known League of Legends player who is often considered one of the best players in the world. While Khan has had a successful career, Faker’s accomplishments and impact on the game are often seen as greater. However, both players have their own unique strengths and playstyles.