
Illaoi’s Ban Rate Surge: From Buff to Top Ban in Patch 14.3

The Illaoi’s ban rate has skyrocketed, especially in Japan, and has caught everyone’s attention. This character, slightly buffed in... Aleksandar | 20. February 2024

The Illaoi’s ban rate has skyrocketed, especially in Japan, and has caught everyone’s attention. This character, slightly buffed in a recent patch 14.3, now sees a ban rate jump that puzzles many. 

Despite a modest win rate improvement, the ban rates in some regions have dramatically increased, making her one of the most avoided characters in the game. This surge in Illaoi’s ban rate has become a hot topic among players and analysts alike.

Illaoi’s Overwhelming Presence

The core of this shift isn’t just about the numbers but how Illaoi changes the game. She’s become more challenging to play against, with adjustments to her abilities making her almost a force of nature on the battlefield. Illaoi’s high ban rate reflects her current dominance on the battlefield, leading many players to rethink their strategies.

Her ability to spawn tentacles and the lowered cooldown on her key moves have tilted the scales, making matches against her a difficult task.

LoL Community Reaction

[TOP LANE] Why has Illaoi’s ban rate exploded in some regions?
byu/luckylicker-eu insummonerschool

Players are not happy with Illaoi’s increased presence in matches. They feel that her gameplay style affects the enjoyment and strategy of the game. It’s not just about her being overpowered but also about how her abilities can change the outcome of the game. 

As a result, players are taking strategic measures to avoid her and ensure a fair match. This ban wave is not just a knee-jerk reaction to buff but a calculated move by players who love the game and want to ensure that it stays enjoyable and fair for all. The discussion around Illaoi’s ban rate highlights the community’s effort to maintain balance and fairness in the game.

Additionally, the situation with Illaoi is not a minor occurrence. It demonstrates how even small modifications can cause significant effects in a game, changing tactics and player tendencies. 

It serves as a reminder of the fragile balance in game design and how closely players observe and react to changes, impacting the competitive environment through their selections.