
League of Legends Season 6 Items: What You Need to Know

League of Legends Season 6 introduced a variety of new items that changed the way players approached the game.... Fragster | 27. October 2023

League of Legends Season 6 introduced a variety of new items that changed the way players approached the game. With the addition of six new champions, including Illaoi, Jhin, Aurelion Sol, Taliyah, Kled, and Ivern, players had to adapt their strategies to accommodate these new characters. The new items introduced in Season 6 were designed to help players deal with the unique challenges presented by these new champions.

One of the most significant changes in Season 6 was the introduction of Mythic items. These items were designed to be the cornerstone of a player’s build, providing powerful bonuses that could completely change the way a champion played. Each Mythic item had a unique passive effect that could only be obtained by building that specific item. This encouraged players to experiment with different builds and find the combination of items that worked best for their playstyle.

Another major change in Season 6 was the introduction of the Hextech crafting system. This system allowed players to earn loot boxes by playing games and completing missions. These loot boxes contained a variety of rewards, including new champions, skins, and crafting materials that could be used to create new items. This system provided players with a new way to earn rewards and added an extra layer of excitement to the game.

Overview of League of Legends Season 6

League of Legends Season 6 started on November 11, 2015, and ended on November 10, 2016. The season introduced a number of new features, including new champions, items, and gameplay changes.

One of the most notable changes was the introduction of six new champions: Illaoi, Jhin, Aurelion Sol, Taliyah, Kled, and Ivern. These champions added new playstyles and strategies to the game, and quickly became popular among players.

In addition to the new champions, Season 6 also saw a major overhaul of the item system. Riot Games introduced a number of new items, as well as reworked existing ones. The goal was to create a more balanced and diverse item pool, and to give players more options when building their champions.

Some of the most significant item changes included the removal of the mana potions, the introduction of new jungle items, and the reworking of several core items such as Infinity Edge and Last Whisper. These changes had a major impact on gameplay, and forced players to adapt their strategies and builds.

Overall, Season 6 was a significant year for League of Legends. With the introduction of new champions and items, as well as major gameplay changes, the season marked a major turning point in the game’s history.

Noteworthy Changes in Season 6

Gameplay Adjustments

Season 6 brought significant changes to League of Legends gameplay, including the addition of a new monster camp, the Rift Herald. This camp is located in the Baron pit and can be taken down by a solo player. Once defeated, the player who killed the Rift Herald will receive the Eye of the Herald, which can be used to summon the Rift Herald to push a lane.

Another significant change was the removal of several items, including Avarice Blade, The Brutalizer, Crystalline Flask, and Mana Potion. However, the item overhaul brought new and updated items that have become staples in the game, such as the Hextech Gunblade, Edge of Night, and Redemption.

Champion Updates

Season 6 also saw several champion updates, including the rework of Marksmen and Mastery. The changes to Marksmen focused on making them more viable in the early game, while the Mastery rework aimed to provide more meaningful choices for players.

One of the most notable champion updates was the rework of Taric, the Shield of Valoran. His kit was updated to make him more of a supportive tank, with his abilities now providing shields, heals, and stuns for his allies. Other champions that received updates in Season 6 include Poppy, Yorick, and Ryze.

Overall, the changes made in Season 6 significantly impacted the way League of Legends is played. The addition of the Rift Herald and the removal and addition of items brought new strategies to the game, while the champion updates provided players with fresh ways to play their favorite champions.

Introduction to Season 6 Items

Season 6 of League of Legends introduced a plethora of new items, as well as changes to existing ones, that have had a significant impact on gameplay. This section will provide an overview of the new, removed, and updated items in Season 6.

New Items

One of the most notable additions to the game in Season 6 was the introduction of the Hextech Crafting system, which allowed players to earn and craft new items. Some of the new items that were added to the game through this system include:

  • Hextech Gunblade: A hybrid item that provides both Attack Damage and Ability Power, as well as a unique active ability that deals damage and heals the user.
  • Hextech Protobelt-01: An Ability Power item that provides additional mobility through a dash ability.
  • Hextech GLP-800: An Ability Power item that provides crowd control through a slowing active ability.

In addition to these new items, Season 6 also introduced several other items that are now staples in the game, such as:

  • Sterak’s Gage: A tank item that provides additional health and a shield when the user takes damage.
  • Dead Man’s Plate: A tank item that provides additional movement speed and damage when the user builds up momentum by moving around the map.
  • Rapid Firecannon: A Marksman item that provides additional range and damage on the first attack after moving.

Removed Items

With the addition of new items, some old items were removed from the game in Season 6. These include:

  • Mana Potions: These consumable items were removed from the game, which had a significant impact on champions who relied on Mana.
  • Sword of the Occult: A snowball item that provided additional Attack Damage based on the number of champion kills the user had. This item was removed due to its potential to snowball games out of control.
  • Zephyr: An Attack Speed item that provided additional Tenacity and Cooldown Reduction. This item was removed due to its niche use and lack of popularity.

Updated Items

Several existing items were updated in Season 6 to better balance the game and provide more options for players. Some of the most notable updates include:

  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade: This item was reworked to provide additional Attack Speed and Ability Power, as well as a unique passive that increases the user’s Attack Damage and Ability Power with each basic attack.
  • Youmuu’s Ghostblade: This item was updated to provide additional Armor Penetration and a unique active ability that provides additional Movement Speed and Attack Speed for a short period of time.
  • Infinity Edge: This item was updated to provide additional Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage, as well as a unique passive that increases the user’s Critical Strike Damage even further.

Overall, the new, removed, and updated items in Season 6 provided players with more options and strategies to use in the game.

Detailed Analysis of New Items

Season 6 of League of Legends introduced several new items that significantly changed the game’s meta. In this section, we will take a closer look at some of the most important new items.

Hextech Protobelt-01

Hextech Protobelt-01 is an item that provides both offensive and defensive capabilities. It grants health, ability power, and cooldown reduction, and it also has an active ability that allows the user to dash forward and fire a barrage of missiles at enemies in a cone in front of them. This item is particularly useful for champions who need to close the gap quickly to engage in combat, such as assassins or bruisers.

Dead Man’s Plate

Dead Man’s Plate is a tank item that provides armor, health, and movement speed. Its passive ability grants bonus damage and slow on the user’s next basic attack after reaching full momentum, which is achieved by moving for a certain amount of time. This item is particularly useful for tanks who need to engage in combat and disrupt enemy lines, as it allows them to quickly reach their targets and deal significant damage.

Edge of Night

Edge of Night is an item that provides both offensive and defensive capabilities. It grants attack damage, lethality, and spell shield, which blocks the next enemy ability that hits the user. This item is particularly useful for assassins or marksmen who need to avoid enemy crowd control or engage in combat without getting caught.


Redemption is a support item that provides health, mana regeneration, and cooldown reduction. Its active ability allows the user to heal all allied champions in a large area, deal damage to nearby enemies, and temporarily increase the affected allies’ health regeneration. This item is particularly useful for supports who need to sustain their allies during team fights or heal them after taking damage.

Overall, the new items introduced in Season 6 of League of Legends significantly changed the game’s meta and provided players with new strategic options. Players should carefully consider which items to purchase based on their champion’s strengths and weaknesses and the needs of their team.

Impact of Item Changes on Gameplay

League of Legends Season 6 saw a significant overhaul of the item system, which had a profound impact on gameplay. The changes were aimed at giving players more options and customization, while also making it easier to understand the different item categories.

One of the most significant changes was the introduction of the Keystone Mastery system, which allowed players to choose a powerful passive ability that would greatly impact their gameplay. These masteries were divided into three categories: Ferocity, Cunning, and Resolve, each with its own unique set of masteries.

The addition of new items and the reworking of existing items also had a significant impact on gameplay. For example, the introduction of the Hextech item line gave players new options for dealing with enemy champions, while the reworking of the Guardian Angel item made it a more viable option for defensive play.

The changes also had a significant impact on the meta, with certain champions and playstyles becoming more or less viable depending on the item changes. For example, the removal of the Devourer jungle item made farming junglers less viable, while the introduction of the Edge of Night item made assassins more powerful.

Overall, the Season 6 item changes had a significant impact on League of Legends gameplay, and players needed to adapt to the new item system to remain competitive.

Strategic Use of Updated Items

With the updated items in League of Legends Season 6, players need to be strategic in their use of items to maximize their effectiveness in the game. Here are some tips for using the updated items to your advantage:

  • Build items that complement your champion’s strengths: Each champion has unique abilities and strengths. Players should choose items that complement their champion’s abilities to maximize their effectiveness in the game. For example, if a champion has strong attack damage, building items that increase their attack damage will make them even more powerful.
  • Consider the enemy team’s composition: Knowing the enemy team’s composition is crucial in choosing which items to build. If the enemy team has a lot of crowd control abilities, building items that increase tenacity or provide crowd control reduction will be beneficial. Similarly, if the enemy team has a lot of magic damage, building items that increase magic resistance will be helpful.
  • Be aware of power spikes: Certain items provide a significant power spike when completed. Players should be aware of these power spikes and try to build these items as soon as possible to gain an advantage over their opponents.
  • Adapt to the game situation: The game situation is constantly changing, and players need to adapt their item builds accordingly. For example, if a player is falling behind in the game, building defensive items may be more beneficial than offensive items.

Overall, the updated items in League of Legends Season 6 provide players with more strategic options to choose from. By building items that complement their champion’s strengths, considering the enemy team’s composition, being aware of power spikes, and adapting to the game situation, players can maximize their effectiveness in the game.

Conclusion: The Evolution of League of Legends in Season 6

League of Legends Season 6 marked a significant shift in the game’s meta and itemization. The introduction of new items and changes to existing ones had a profound impact on gameplay and strategy.

One of the most notable changes was the introduction of Hextech Crafting, which allowed players to earn loot boxes and unlock new skins, champions, and other rewards. The Champion Mastery system was also updated, adding levels 6 and 7 and new Hextech Crafting Mastery Tokens and Emotes.

In addition to these cosmetic changes, Season 6 also saw significant changes to gameplay mechanics. The removal of Team Builder and Ranked Solo/Duo and Ranked 5v5 game queues was a controversial move, but the addition of Dynamic Queue and Autofill helped to balance matchmaking and reduce queue times.

The introduction of new items like the Abyssal Scepter, Edge of Night, and Redemption also had a significant impact on gameplay and strategy. These items provided new options for players to customize their builds and adapt to different team compositions and situations.

Overall, Season 6 was a period of significant evolution and change for League of Legends. The introduction of new items and changes to existing ones helped to keep the game fresh and exciting, while updates to matchmaking and gameplay mechanics helped to improve the overall player experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the new items added in Season 6 of League of Legends?

Season 6 of League of Legends introduced a number of new items to the game. Some of the most notable additions include Hextech Protobelt-01, Hextech GLP-800, and Edge of Night. Hextech Protobelt-01 is an item that provides a short-range dash and a burst of damage, making it a popular choice for assassins and mages. Hextech GLP-800 is an item that fires a slowing projectile, making it a great choice for champions who rely on crowd control. Edge of Night is an item that provides a shield and spell shield, making it a great choice for champions who need extra protection.

What are some popular item builds for Season 6 in League of Legends?

There were a number of popular item builds for Season 6 in League of Legends, depending on the champion being played and the role they were filling. For AD carries, popular items included Infinity Edge, Essence Reaver, and Rapid Firecannon. For AP carries, popular items included Rabadon’s Deathcap, Void Staff, and Zhonya’s Hourglass. Tank champions often built items like Sunfire Cape, Spirit Visage, and Randuin’s Omen.

How do the Season 6 items differ from previous seasons in League of Legends?

Season 6 items in League of Legends differed from previous seasons in a number of ways. One of the biggest changes was the introduction of the Hextech item line, which added a new set of active abilities to the game. Additionally, many items were reworked or adjusted for balance purposes. For example, some items had their cost or stats adjusted, while others had their passive or active abilities changed.

What are the best items for AD carries in Season 6 of League of Legends?

The best items for AD carries in Season 6 of League of Legends depended on the specific champion being played and the player’s playstyle. However, some popular choices included Infinity Edge, Essence Reaver, and Rapid Firecannon. These items provided a mix of damage, critical strike chance, and attack speed, which are all important stats for AD carries.

What are the best items for AP carries in Season 6 of League of Legends?

The best items for AP carries in Season 6 of League of Legends also depended on the specific champion being played and the player’s playstyle. However, some popular choices included Rabadon’s Deathcap, Void Staff, and Zhonya’s Hourglass. These items provided a mix of ability power, magic penetration, and defensive stats, which are all important for AP carries.

What are some tips for effectively utilizing the new items in Season 6 of League of Legends?

When utilizing the new items in Season 6 of League of Legends, it’s important to consider the specific strengths and weaknesses of each item. Players should also consider the specific champion they are playing and how the item will synergize with their abilities and playstyle. Additionally, it’s important to experiment with different item builds and adjust them based on the situation and the enemy team composition.