
Bel’Veth Build Guides, Runes and Items

Bel’veth is a powerful and versatile champion in League of Legends. With a mix of ranged and melee abilities,... Pablo | 24. December 2022

Bel’veth is a powerful and versatile champion in League of Legends. With a mix of ranged and melee abilities, Bel’veth is capable of dealing a diverse range of damage to enemies and is a valuable addition to any team. In this guide, we will go over the basics of playing Bel’veth, including her abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. We will also provide some tips and tricks for maximizing her potential in-game. With the information in this guide, you will be well-equipped to take on the role of Bel’veth and dominate the summoner’s rift.

Pros and Cons

Before diving into the specifics of playing Bel’veth, it is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of this champion. Like any other champion in the game, Bel’veth has her own unique set of abilities and traits that make her both powerful and vulnerable in different situations. In this section, we will go over the key pros and cons of playing Bel’veth, so you can better understand how to effectively use her in-game. By understanding her strengths and weaknesses, you can make informed decisions about how to play Bel’veth and maximize her potential on the battlefield.


One of the major advantages of playing Bel’veth is her ability to surprise and dominate in duels. With a mix of ranged and melee abilities, Bel’veth is capable of ganking enemies and dealing significant damage before they have a chance to react. This makes her a valuable asset to any team, as she can help secure kills and gain an early advantage in the game. Additionally, Bel’veth has a healthy clear, allowing her to efficiently clear out waves of minions and jungle camps without taking too much damage herself. This allows her to sustain her health and mana levels, giving her the ability to stay on the map for longer periods of time. Furthermore, the mechanics of Bel’veth are relatively easy to learn, making her a great champion for players of all skill levels. This allows players to quickly pick up the basics of playing Bel’veth and start contributing to their team in no time. Finally, Bel’veth has infinite scaling potential, meaning she becomes increasingly powerful as the game goes on. This allows her to snowball and become a dominant force on the battlefield, capable of taking on multiple enemies at once.


One of the major disadvantages of playing Bel’veth is her reliance on her core items in order to be effective in a game. Without these items, she may struggle to deal enough damage to enemies and may be easily countered by other champions. This can make it difficult for players to build a successful strategy around her, and may require a lot of game knowledge and experience to overcome. Additionally, if Bel’veth falls behind early in the game, it can be difficult for her to catch up and regain her advantage. This can make her vulnerable to enemy ganks and may put her team at a disadvantage. Furthermore, Bel’veth can struggle in the late game, especially against champions with strong scaling abilities and good team fighting potential. This can make it difficult for her to stay relevant and may require her team to play around her in order to protect her. Finally, Bel’veth is often banned in ranked games due to her powerful abilities and potential to dominate the game. This can limit the situations in which she can be played and may make it difficult for players to use her effectively.



One of the key strengths of Bel’veth is her unique set of abilities, which give her a range of powerful tools to control the battlefield and dominate her enemies. In this section, we will discuss each of her abilities in detail and explore how they can be used to maximize her effectiveness in a game.

Passive: Death in Lavender

Passive Death in LavenderDeath in Lavender, grants her increased attack speed after using an ability. This allows her to quickly follow up with basic attacks, dealing additional damage and allowing her to quickly finish off enemies. Additionally, Bel’veth gains Lavender stacks for each large minion kill, which can be consumed to restore a small amount of health. This allows her to sustain herself in the early game and maintain her health and mana levels, giving her the ability to stay in the game for longer periods of time. By taking advantage of her passive, Bel’veth can surprise and overwhelm her enemies, quickly taking control of the battlefield and securing kills for herself and her team.

Q: Void Surge

Void Surge allows her to dash forward, dealing physical damage to any enemies she passes through. This ability has a unique cooldown that scales down depending on her attack speed, allowing her to use it more frequently as she gains attack speed from her passive and other sources. Void Surge can be used to quickly close the gap on enemies, setting up kills and ganks, or to escape from dangerous situations. It can also be used to navigate the jungle and clear camps efficiently, allowing Bel’veth to maintain her health and mana levels.

W: Above and Below

Above and BelowAbove and Below, allows her to slam her tail on the ground, dealing magic damage to enemies and knocking them up for a short duration. This ability also slows enemies, making it difficult for them to escape or chase after Bel’veth. Additionally, if Above and Below hits an enemy champion, it refreshes the cooldown of Void Surge in that direction, allowing Bel’veth to use it again more quickly. This ability is powerful for initiating fights, disrupting enemy formations, and setting up kills for herself and her team. It can also be used defensively, to escape from dangerous situations or to protect allies.

E: Royal Maelstrom

Royal MaelstromRoyal Maelstrom, allows her to channel and unleash a flurry of powerful attacks, striking the lowest-health enemy nearby. While channeling, Bel’veth gains damage reduction and life steal, allowing her to sustain herself and survive in the midst of battle. Each attack deals physical damage based on the target’s missing health, making it particularly effective against enemies who are already low on health. This ability is powerful for finishing off enemies and securing kills, as well as for dealing burst damage in team fights and skirmishes.

R: Endless Banquet

Endless BanquetEndless Banquet, allows her to transform into her true form, gaining increased health, movement speed, attack range, and attack speed. While in her true form, Bel’veth’s Void Surge can pass through walls, allowing her to surprise and outmaneuver her enemies. Additionally, every second attack against the same target deals true damage, stacking infinitely, making her particularly effective at taking down high-health targets. Takedowns against champions and epic monsters also leave behind Void Coral, which can be consumed to refresh the duration of her true form and restore health.


BelVeth build


Runes are a key part of League of Legends that can greatly enhance a champion’s abilities and playstyle. For Bel’veth, there are many different runes that can be effective depending on the situation. In this section, we will discuss some of the best runes to use for Bel’veth, and why they can be effective in helping her dominate the battlefield.

Conqueror or Lethal Tempo?

Conqueror is a popular rune choice for Bel’veth because it provides a mix of damage and sustain, which is ideal for her playstyle. When using Void Surge, Bel’veth can easily proc Conqueror’s passive, allowing her to deal more damage and gain additional sustain. Additionally, the AD provided by Conqueror from other sources, such as abilities and runes, can further enhance Bel’veth’s damage output.

On the other hand, Lethal Tempo can be a good choice if you are playing Bel’veth in the top lane. This rune provides a significant increase in attack speed, which can help Bel’veth deal more damage and push her lane more effectively. However, in the jungle, Lethal Tempo may not be as effective because it lacks the sustain provided by Conqueror, which is crucial for a jungle champion like Bel’veth.

Triumph, Last Stand and ???

Triumph and Last Stand are both powerful choices for Bel’veth, and they can provide a range of benefits depending on the situation. Triumph is a great choice because it provides a powerful healing effect when Bel’veth secures a takedown, which can help her sustain in fights and survive for longer periods of time. Additionally, Triumph can provide a significant boost to Bel’veth’s damage output, allowing her to deal more damage and secure kills more easily.

Last Stand, on the other hand, is a good choice for Bel’veth because it increases her damage output when she is low on health. This can be particularly effective in team fights, where Bel’veth can use her abilities to get low on health and then activate Last Stand to deal a burst of extra damage. Additionally, Last Stand can help Bel’veth survive longer in fights, allowing her to stay in the action and continue dealing damage even when she is under pressure. Overall, both Triumph and Last Stand can be effective choices for Bel’veth, and they can help her dominate the battlefield.

These two are going to be always there, but we have a choice in choosing from the three legend runes. One of the key aspects of choosing the right runes for Bel’veth is selecting the correct “Legend” runes, hence we will be taking a brief look at what they offer and what would be the best choice in different scenarios.


Alacrity is a powerful choice for Bel’veth, and it can provide a range of benefits depending on the situation. In the jungle, Alacrity is a great choice because it can help Bel’veth snowball her lead after securing kills in the early game. The increased attack speed provided by Alacrity can help Bel’veth clear camps more quickly, allowing her to move on to the next camp and continue securing kills. Additionally, Alacrity can help Bel’veth deal more damage with her abilities, particularly Void Surge and Royal Maelstrom, which can further enhance her damage output and help her secure kills more easily.


Tenacity is a powerful choice for Bel’veth, and it can provide a range of benefits depending on the situation. When facing a team with a lot of crowd control (CC), Tenacity can be a great choice because it can help Bel’veth reduce the duration of any CC she is hit with. This can be particularly effective in team fights, where Bel’veth can use her abilities to deal damage and control the fight, while Tenacity helps her avoid getting caught out by enemy CC. Additionally, Tenacity can be a good choice when facing a team with a lot of auto attackers, as it can help Bel’veth reduce the damage she takes from their attacks and stay alive for longer periods of time. In this situation, Tenacity can also allow Bel’veth to build Plated Steelcaps instead of Mercury’s Treads that is the go to item for tenacity, providing additional defensive benefits and helping her survive in fights.


Legend: Bloodline is a less common choice for Bel’veth, and it may not provide as much value as some of the other options available. In the jungle, Bloodline is not a particularly effective choice because it provides a small amount of lifesteal that is not significant enough to help Bel’veth sustain in fights.

Secondary Runes

As a secondary rune set, both Resolve and Domination offer useful benefits for Belveth. Conditioning and Unflinching from Resolve provides more durability and reduces the duration of crowd control effects, allowing her to stay alive longer and be less disrupted in fights. This is especially useful in teamfights where Belveth can use her abilities to deal damage and control the enemy team.

On the other hand, Domination offers more offensive power, particularly with the Sudden Impact and Treasure Hunter runes. Sudden Impact allows Belveth to deal more damage with her Void Surge dashes, making it easier to take down enemies and secure kills. Treasure Hunter, meanwhile, allows Belveth to get her item spikes faster, giving her a stronger power level at earlier stages of the game.

Ultimately, the choice between Resolve and Domination will depend on your playstyle and the situation. If you want to play a more defensive, team-oriented style, then Resolve may be the better option. But if you want to focus on dealing as much damage as possible and securing kills, then Domination may be the way to go. It’s up to you to decide which one is the best fit for your playstyle and the situation at hand.

How to play the early game as Bel’veth?

The early game for Belveth as a jungler will be focused on completing her jungle camps and ganking lanes to help her allies get an advantage.

First Clear

Belveth has a few different options for her early game route. One common route is to start at red buff, using Void Surge to clear the camp quickly and efficiently. After clearing red buff, she can then move on to the nearby Krugs, using Smite and Above and Below to clear them quickly. From there, she can move on to the Raptors camp, then the Wolves, and finally the Blue buff. By clearing these camps quickly, Belveth can gain a level advantage over the enemy jungler and set herself up for success in ganking and securing objectives.

Alternatively, Belveth can also start at blue buff, using the same techniques to clear the camp quickly and efficiently. From blue buff, she can then move on to the nearby Gromp, then to the Wolves, and finally to the Red buff. This route may be preferable in certain situations, such as if Belveth wants to gank a particular lane early on or if she wants to avoid a potential invasion from the enemy jungler.

Regardless of which route she takes, Belveth should aim to clear her camps quickly and efficiently, using her abilities and Smite to maximize her damage and speed. By doing so, she can gain an early advantage and set herself up for success in the early game.

How to gank?

When ganking as Belveth, the key is to use her mobility and damage to catch enemies off guard and secure kills. To do this, Belveth can start by walking up to the enemy laner, using her Q – Void Surge to dash in and close the distance. This will activate her passive, allowing her to use Void Surge again to dash back out or to another enemy target.

Once she is in range, Belveth can use her W – Above and Below to knock up and slow the enemy, making it easier to land her other abilities and secure the kill. She can then follow up with her E – Royal Maelstrom, which deals damage based on the target’s missing health and provides Belveth with damage reduction and lifesteal. This ability can be used at the end of her combo to finish off weakened enemies, or when Belveth herself is low on health to recover some health and survive.

Things to remember during the early game!

These are some good key points to remember when playing Belveth, whether you are ahead or behind in the game.

If you are fed, there are a few things you can do to capitalize on your lead and help your team win the game. First, you should take objectives such as towers and dragons to increase your team’s gold and experience lead. You should also look for opportunities to dive and gank the enemy team to continue snowballing and increasing your lead. Additionally, you can invade the enemy jungler’s territory and try to kill him or take his camps to further disrupt his ability to farm and gain experience. With enough items, Belveth can even solo Baron Nashor, giving her team a significant power boost.

If you are behind, it’s important to stay focused and try to come back into the game. Look for good gank opportunities in lanes where your team is ahead, or in lanes with enemies who are low on health or have long cooldowns on their crowd control abilities. You should also farm as much as possible to catch up on gold and experience, and look for opportunities to get kills with your team to help you catch up. It’s also important to stay positive and believe in your ability to come back, as Belveth is a strong champion who can make a big impact in fights even when she is behind. With good teamwork and strategic play, you can turn the game around and come out on top.

Teamfighting as Bel’veth

In teamfights, Belveth’s role is to deal damage and control the enemy team. She should avoid rushing in and engaging the fight directly, as she is vulnerable to being focused down and killed quickly. Instead, she should wait for the right opportunity to move in and use her abilities to disrupt the enemy team.

Before teamfighting, Belveth should consider the enemy team’s major sources of crowd control and summoner spells that could stop her from dealing damage. She should also be aware of her own positioning and avoid overextending or getting caught out of position.

Once the teamfight begins, Belveth should wait for the right opportunity to move in and use her abilities to disrupt the enemy team. She can use Void Surge to dash in and out of combat, using Above and Below to knock up and slow enemies and Royal Maelstrom to deal damage and provide herself with damage reduction and lifesteal. As the fight progresses, she should focus on dealing as much damage as possible, targeting the enemy carries and helping her team secure kills and objectives.

The Matchups

As with any champion in League of Legends, Belveth may have an easier or a harder time against certain opponents depending on their abilities and playstyle. In this section, we will discuss some of these champions that Belveth may dominate or struggle against and why they can be easy or difficult to play against. It’s important to remember that any champion can be defeated with the right strategy and teamwork.

Avoid at all Costs!


OlafOlaf is a strong early game champion who excels at invading the enemy jungle and dueling other champions. This can make him a difficult opponent for Belveth, who may struggle to win 1v1 fights against Olaf, especially if he gets ahead. Olaf’s passive, Berserker Rage, increases his attack speed as he loses health, allowing him to deal more damage and fight more effectively even when he is low on health. His Q – Undertow ability allows him to throw an axe that slows enemies and can be picked up and thrown again, giving him additional mobility and damage. His W – Vicious Strikes ability increases his attack speed and life steal, allowing him to sustain in fights and deal more damage. And his ultimate, Ragnarok, grants him increased attack damage and immunity to disables, making him an incredibly difficult opponent to take down. All of these abilities make Olaf a strong counter to Belveth, and he can be a tough opponent to face in the early game.


GravesIt’s important to keep in mind that Graves is a physical damage dealer, so building armor can help reduce the amount of damage he can do to you. In addition, his abilities have relatively short ranges, so try to keep your distance from him and kite him if possible. Also, he has a strong escape ability with his Smoke Screen, which creates a cloud of smoke that slows and reduces the vision of enemies who pass through it. Try to avoid chasing him through his smoke, as it can make it difficult to land abilities or auto-attacks on him.



KarthusKarthus may have long-range damage and the ability to deal sustained damage over time, but Belveth is a much stronger champion in a 1v1 fight. Belveth’s mobility and ability to reposition quickly allows her to easily dodge Karthus’s abilities and close the distance between them. Once she is in range, Belveth’s powerful auto-attacks and abilities can quickly take down Karthus, even if he is at full health. Additionally, Belveth’s passive, Death in Lavender, allows her to heal when she takes damage from champions or monsters, giving her an advantage in extended fights against Karthus. Belveth’s superior mobility and damage make her a formidable opponent for Karthus, and she is a much stronger champion in a 1v1 fight.


NocturneNocturne may have mobility and the ability to quickly dash and deal physical damage, but Belveth is a much stronger champion in a 1v1 fight. Belveth’s long-range damage and ability to reposition quickly allows her to easily kite Nocturne and avoid his abilities. Additionally, Belveth’s powerful abilities can quickly take down Nocturne, even if he is at full health. It is a good idea to go and invade him from the very first level.

Tips and Tricks

These tips and tricks will cover some of the best combos and strategies you can use with Belveth to dominate your enemies in the jungle and in team fights. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a formidable Belveth player in League of Legends.

Quick Strike

To perform the Quick Strike Combo, start by targeting an enemy champion and using Belveth’s Q – Void Surge ability to dash through them and deal damage. Immediately follow up with an auto-attack (AA) to deal additional physical damage to the enemy. If the enemy is still within range, use Belveth’s Q – Void Surge again to dash through them and deal more damage. Follow up with another auto-attack to deal even more damage. This combo can be repeated up to three more times, depending on how many points you have invested in Belveth’s Q – Void Surge ability.

The Quick Strike Combo is a basic combo that can be used in a variety of situations. It is particularly effective against enemies who are stationary or are fighting you at close range. This combo allows Belveth to quickly deal damage and close the distance between herself and her enemies, making it difficult for them to escape or fight back. The more points you invest in Belveth’s Q – Void Surge, the faster and more effective this combo becomes. It is also worth noting that the Quick Strike Combo can be used to reposition quickly during team fights, allowing Belveth to quickly engage or disengage from combat.

Lavender Rush

This combo can be used to quickly close the gap on enemies, dealing damage and setting up kills. To use the combo, first activate Void Surge to dash forward and deal physical damage to any enemies in your path. Then, use Above and Below to slam the ground and knock up enemies, slowing them and refreshing the cooldown of Void Surge in that direction. Finally, use Royal Maelstrom to channel a flurry of powerful attacks and finish off the lowest-health enemy nearby. This combo can be effective for initiating fights, disrupting enemy formations, and securing kills.


As the lavender-clad predator prowls the fields of justice, none can stand against her might. With swift strikes and cunning abilities, Bel’veth dominates the battlefield, surprising and overwhelming her foes. With her passive, she sustains herself in the fray, ever ready to strike at the perfect moment. Those who dare to challenge her are swiftly vanquished, their fate sealed by her deadly combos. Masters of Bel’veth harness her full potential, stalking the battlefield with grace and ferocity. None can escape her wrath.