The Superi 46, introduced in the Season 4 update, had become a quality pick that many people have used for either rushing in or as a sniper support secondary.
With a slow fire rate but deadly accuracy coupled with fantastic handling, We tested it out during the current play and found this build to work!
LASER: FTAC Grimline Laser (unlocked by leveling the TAQ-V to Level 5 or the DG-56 to Level 10)
The FTAC Grimline Laser ensures that your Superi 46 can have a faster sprint to fire speed while also controlling both hip recoil and spread.
BARREL: Terminal-V Suppressed Barrel (unlocked at Level 18)
A slight gun kick control buff, ADS and sprint to fire speed buffs, and a stealthy option make this integrally suppressed barrel a must for those close-range engagements.
MAGAZINE: 40 Round Mag (unlocked at Level 4)
The Superi 46’s damage, despite its slow fire rate can easily shred opponents, especially at very close ranges. Any use of the Superi 46 at longer ranges is definitely non-essential. Despite the low mag count, use this early-unlockable high-capacity mag attachment to make the most out of your Superi 46’s flexible potential!
STOCK: JAK Cutthroat (unlocked via the Arsenal Store)
This aftermarket stock can be attached to a variety of weapons, and the Superi 46 is no exception. This helps you gain faster movement speed and aim walking steadiness, allowing for better control and shot placement.
AMMUNITION: 4.6mm High Grain Rounds
4.6mm High Grain Rounds can be used to Further increase the potency of your Superi 46 by adding a range and damage buff per shot, at the cost of some recoil control.
MUZZLE: ECS Requieter Suppressor [to replace Laser] (unlocked by leveling the FJX Horus to level 9)
This suppressor, which can be used in majority of SMGs, helps in providing both an ADS speed buff and a firing aim stability buff that allows you to use the Superi 46 in a more stable and accurate manner with better handling.
UNDERBARREL: Bruen Tactical Vertical Grip (unlocked by leveling the MCW to Level 9)
This grip helps capitalize on the potential of the FSS Hurricane to become a hip fire beast by stabilizing the weapon’s gun kick and also reducing a bit of the hipfire spread.
These attachments can help you utilize a flexible, easy-to-use SMG which can definitely help you clean house and have flexible and reliable options!