
What’s the optimal build for Slark in Dota 2 patch 7.32c

fragster Radu M. 6. October 2022

Slark is an absolute menace right now in Dota 2 patch 7.32c, having a win rate of around 51.5%. His pick rate is above 16%, which means that a lot of players favor this hero over other carries. But how do you play Slark in an effective manner?

There certainly exists more than one way of playing this hero, but some ways are simply better than others because they offer you a good mix of survivability and damage, as well as effective timings. If you need 30 minutes just to be able to join fights, that’s not a viable strategy. Because the game will be decided between the 10 and 25-minute mark.

Slark’s skill build

Slark’s skill build is very basic. You always start with a point in Essence Shift to be able to trade with the enemy offlaner and then you put one point in Pounce. This will give you the ability to engage and disengage with ease.

Next, you maximize Dark Pact because it’s your farming ability. What you maximize next is up to you. Most players like to maximize their Pounce, just to have more survivability and mobility around the map. You also gain more Essence Shift stacks at higher levels, so it’s probably the right approach.

But you could also try to make your Essence Shift a bit more viable and put at least one more point in it before you maximize Pounce. Otherwise, you’ll need to wait until level 13 to become powerful in team fights. And that’s not always a good idea.

For the talents, always go with the Dark Pact cooldown reduction, Dark Pact damage bonus, +1 Agility per stack, and +50s Essence Shift duration. But if you find yourself in a difficult matchup that puts you on the defensive, you can opt for the Shadow Dance talents.


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Slark’s item build

Slark players should always build an Aghanim’s Scepter in this patch. It’s absolutely incredible and will guarantee your survivability. But try not to buy it too early. Before you get your Aghs, buy Power Treads, a Falcon Blade, and either a Diffusal Blade, an Echo Saber, or, if you’re courageous, a Moon Shard.

The Moon Shard build is the most aggressive and will work much better than the rest, but it’s more expensive and will leave you without stats. Only go for this item if you don’t risk getting burst at the start of the fight before you can use your ultimate.

Against high damage lineups, another solid option on Slark is to buy a bit of armor and a bit of magic resistance. With just 500 gold, you can get yourself a Cloak, which you can later turn into a Mage Slayer. Likewise, you can buy yourself a Medallion of Courage. This item will give you both armor, higher kill potential, and mana regen.

For the late game, the best items on Slark are Skadi and Butterfly. Try to get tankier, so that you can avoid buying a Black King Bar whenever possible.

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