
Twitch tests new Browse layout to give streamers more recognition

fragster Daria Belous 25. June 2022

Twitch is testing a new feature of its ‘Browse’ section which could positively change the streaming game for smaller content creators. The upcoming UI seems to be centred around live previews with a time limit and easy switch between the broadcasts. 

What is known about the new feature?

The updated page was recently revealed by content creators on Twitter who had the access to the test. In the old version, the viewer had to choose the category in the Browse section and then pick a stream almost blindly, as there was no preview of the exact content, just a stream name and a picture, so the decision to watch something was made based on the popularity of the content maker rather than the quality of content. 

New functionality seems to change the game, as after choosing the desirable category, there will be an auto-play preview of the chosen stream and a bunch of small previews with broadcasts of other streamers. Viewers will have an option to watch the stream in preview mode for a limited amount of time to evaluate the content and decide either to join the stream or switch to another one with a special button. 

The preview section will feature information about the stream such as the name, category and tags along with the stream and the live chat. Other functions are to join the stream and follow the content creator. Users can also report the channel or hide it by clicking “not interested”. The streams can be sorted by recommended, amount of viewers and recently watched.

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No exact date of the feature’s launch has been set, however, some regular Twitch users already have an option to try the new functionality.

Why is this important for smaller content creators? 

Such a feature will most likely give smaller streamers more recognition on the platform, as viewers will now be able to choose broadcasts by content itself and not by a small preview picture on the Browse page. Moreover, there should be delay when switching from channel to channel. However, there’s no clue if there will be a pre-roll ad while browsing channels. This could it ruin the whole concept as viewers might get irritated by ads. 

It seems that Twitch is trying to renovate the platform in order to attract more viewers and new content creators. The company has also recently announced the new Ad Revenue program, aimed to help the current platform partners make more money. Maybe Twitch is trying to learn something from its main competitor YouTube and prevent content makers from switching to another platform by creating a more pleasant environment for them. 

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