
Top 10 most broken abilities in video games

Broken abilities have the potential to take you out of the game instantly. In the end, we often end... Fragster | 25. September 2022

Broken abilities have the potential to take you out of the game instantly. In the end, we often end up asking ourselves how someone could come up with the idea to program these abilities into the game.

Whether it’s in League of Legends, Overwatch, or Rainbow Six Siege, too strong abilities can make a game so much worse. Today we have compiled the top 10 most broken abilities for you. Enjoy!

10. Fizz Playful Trickster

Our list starts with an equally broken and annoying ability from League of Legends champion Fizz. His E Playful Trickster has too many benefits bundled into one ability to be considered fair. Not only does it make Fizz untargetable for a short period of time, it also does a lot of damage and gives good Wave Clear. And the whole thing happens with a cooldown that is frankly ridiculous. With a high ability tempo plus Zhonyas, you can go a full 5 seconds without being hit, which can be extremely frustrating when fighting the Amphib.

9. Meta knight tornado

The most overpowered character in Smash is Meta Knight, there’s no doubt about that. The fact that this character also has the strongest ability, of course, puts the cherry on top. The anti-hero from the Kirby video game series is a nightmare of every Smash player. As a reason, you can list all his abilities, but Meta Knight’s Tornado is by far the most unfair of them all. His B Move, which transforms him into a whirling destruction, destroys shields, makes him even more mobile than he already is, and deals a lot of damage. Just when you thought Meta Knight couldn’t get any stronger, he blithely whirls away, unleashing fear and terror on the battlefield.

8. Pyke Death from Below

Another champion from League of Legends finds itself in our list today. Pyke and his Ultimate “Death from Below” is one of the most broke abilities in the game. Not only does it have a large and completely inaccurate hitbox. Pyke executes enemies with low life immediately and gets a reset on his Ultimate as a result. On top of that, the Ultimate does True Damage, is an AoE ability, and completes Pyke’s already broken kit. There is virtually no counterplay around the ability, as Pyke can sneak up invisibly and perform the ability virtually out of nowhere. Additionally, you can never be sure when or if he has his Ultimate ready, as the reset is extremely confusing. An extremely frustrating and broken ability that is the horror of any opposing bot lane.

7. Black ops 4 tempest

Every year a new Call of Duty is released and every year there are some weapons that are way too strong. In Call of Duty Black Ops 4, the specialist “Profit” has been given a weapon called Tempest, which fires shocks that can jump between players. One hit from these surges is enough to knock an opponent to the ground. True, the weapon is semi-automatic and takes a short time to fire again after each shot. The fact that it is virtually one-hit and can also take out several enemies at once definitely makes it too powerful. This was also noticed by many players, who hoped in vain for a nerf and even a ban on the weapon.

6. Lion EE-ONE-D Drone

The abundance of gadgets in Rainbow Six Siege makes it extremely difficult for developers to find a good balance. With most abilities, you can talk about fair balancing, but one ability simply tops them all: the EE-ONE-D drone of the operator Lion.

It helps Lion detect movement in an area, turning Rainbow Six’s gameplay on its head. While the drone’s scan is active, you are not allowed to move, otherwise you will be marked for all enemies on the map. Especially in a highly tactical shooter like Rainbow Six, this can quickly cost defenders their lives. In addition, the drone is also equipped with multiple scan charges, which makes the operator even more unpredictable. The ability was so strong for a while that Lion was disabled during Pro League Season 8 and nerfs were announced.

5. Mercy Revive

The OG’s of Overwatch should remember the following ability very well. The support character Mercy had an Ultimate in the early days of Overwatch that allowed her to revive any fallen teammates in a teamfight, with a full Health Bar of course. All she had to do was sit in a corner and wait for the teamfight. If it didn’t go as expected, she resurrected the entire fight with her Ultimate. The opposing team, which had already used all the skills in the teamfight before, could no longer defend itself. It was quickly clear that a change in the ability was needed. The ability was thrown over the pile and instead it got a Single Target Revive.

4. Blackbeard Shield

Another operator from Rainbow Six made it onto our list with his ability. Blackbeard and his Rifle Shield have become a balanced combination, but that wasn’t always the case. In Rainbow Six Siege, you learn to aim for the head relatively quickly, as every headshot in the game is an instant kill. This habit had to be quickly overturned when Blackbeard was released. His shield gave him maximum protection from headshots, which is why you lost almost every gunfight against him. At release, his shield had an astounding 800 HP. An absurd amount, considering that operators have an average of 110 HP. The HP of the shield has since been reduced to 20 HP. However, that can still be enough to keep the upper hand in the heat of battle.

4. Chen Roshan Holy Persuasion

The following ability turned Dota2 into a 6 vs. 5 game. We are talking about Chen’s ability “Holy Persuasion”. This was bugged for a while in patch 6.75 and is supposed to be used to gain control over enemy or neutral units. What the developers didn’t actually intend, but some players took advantage of, was the fact that you could also win Roshan for your own team thanks to the bug. But that wasn’t all: you could exploit the bug already from level 1 and thus push towers unhindered. Since Roshan is immune to any damage when he leaves his pit, the opposing team could not stop this push and the game was over quickly. The bug was quickly fixed. What remains is the memory of Chen’s monstrous pet.

2. Jett Blade Storm

It’s no secret that Jett is the most picked duelist in Valorant. What makes her so strong is her high mobility on the one hand, and her Ultimate on the other. However, there was a time when this Ultimate was much stronger than it is now. She had to be generated because every kill on her right-click gave her resets. That was removed after some time and so now only her left click gives her resets. A change that has limited Jett Mains somewhat, but has not made her completely useless. For once, Riot Games has done a good job with the balancing here.

1. Twisted Fate Gate

The first place on our list goes to Twisted Fate and its old e-skill “Gate”. Everyone who knows Twisted Fate today knows that his Ultimate can teleport him across the map. Back then, the ability was on the E key and had an 18-second cooldown. This means that you could teleport across the entire map with a relatively ridiculous cooldown even at level one. To be able to compare the whole thing: The only way to teleport in League of Legends today requires an Ultimate with immense cooldown or the Summoner Spell “Teleport”, which has a cooldown of six minutes. Twisted Fate was the ultimate ganker. He could be anywhere at any time and terrorized neighboring lanes at will. Even if he died, he could instantly teleport back to his lane with Gate. This ability deservedly made it to number 1 on our list.