More changes are coming in for Teamfight Tactics (TFT). Another patch update is ready to see action just weeks after the release of patch 14.19. On October 9, 2024, Riot Games will release TFT patch 14.20 that will bring significant adjustments to several champions and augments. There will also be modifications with the traits and items included in the update. With this, it is certain that players will have to work on their new gameplan.
Champion Updates
The protectors of Little Legend will not leave unscathed in the adjustments brought by patch 14.20. With the update, some champions will get nerfed due to decreases in their damage. On the other hand, some will emerge as heroes with buffs in their abilities. Here are the champions who will receive major adjustments in this incoming patch:
- Tweaked healing and buff values.
- Enjoys massive buffs at 3-star.
- Some nerfs include to early levels.
- Ability-spam friendly due to reduction of Mana cost
- Decreased shield duration from 6 to 4 seconds.
- Increased healing across all levels.
- Slight increase in total damage.
- Buffed healing at all levels.
- Decreased damage reduction per enemy hit from 35% to 30%.
- Increased damage reduction per enemy hit from 10% to 20%.
- Significant increase in Orb damage.
- Changed and reduced mana cost to 0/60.
- Buffed flat damage reduction, especially at 3-star.
- Slight nerf in AD
- Increased physical damage.
- Increased shield amount and duration.
- Slight reduction in damage amp.
- Increased health steal at 1 and 2-star levels.
Trait Modifications
Traits grant bonus effects either to the entire team or to the champion once it meets all the conditions required by class or origin. The update brings adjustments in their bonus effects to balance the power among traits. Here are the several changes:
- Increased value of Armor and Magic Resist, especially at higher levels.
- Slightly reduced the gain per star level of Old God’s Ability Power.
- Adjusted champions’ health gains.
- Has buffs to higher levels.
- Increased Crown damage amp.
- Increased the number of bees at 5 trait level.
- Increased the bonus of Attack Damage, especially after takedown.
- Buffed values across all levels of Ability Power.
- Slightly reduced the chance for extra attacks.
- Slightly nerfed the values of healing and mana restoration.
- Reduced the bonus of Initial Attack Speed.
- Increased execute threshold at highest level.
- Increased the bonus of Ability Power at 4 trait level.
- Increased across all levels of health gain percentages.
- Adjusted and mostly buffed the Sugar gain and AD/AP bonuses.
- Increased durability while shielded at the highest level
- Significant buff to shield amount.
Item Changes
These are equipped to champions to increase their stats and also grant additional effects. With this, it helps to boost your gameplay and heightens your winnability. However, patch 14.20 will modify some of the key items that you may have to find item alternatives.
Blue Buff
- Significant reduction in damage increase on takedown from 8% to 5%.
Bramble Vest
- Increased armor from 55 to 65.
- Massive reduction of Ability Power gain after shield expiration from 35 to 25.
Dragon’s Claw
- Increased Magic Resist from 65 to 75.
Eternal Monarch’s Crown
- Buffed damage increase after 12 hits from 60% to 66%.
Queenguard’s Armor
- Reduced healing and shielding increase.
- Major nerfed in healing from Queen’s damage.
Augment Adjustments
Augments serve as permanent bonuses that are added to the hexcore of the players. This is crucial in compositions; thus, the tweaking will cost big changes on some of the frequently used ones.
Precise Planning
- Increased the gold gain threshold
- Reduced gold gain amount.
Risky Moves
- Slightly reduced the gold gain after 7 player combats.
Avenge The Fallen
- Slight reduction in stat gains after 3 ally deaths.
Various Crest Augments
- Will no longer give a free champion.
- Increased wins required for an item component from 4 to 5.
School Mascot
- Reduced the buffs in Eldritch summon.
Unleash The Beast
- Reduced the attack speed gain when triggered from 45% to 35%.
Worth the Wait
- Will now grants a two-star, 1-cost champion.
Blossoming Lotus II
- Increased the critical Strike Chance gain from 12% to 15%.
Living Forge
- Add a required player combats for Artifact Anvil increase from 8 to 9.
Support Golem II
- Reduced the number of attached Support items from 2 to 1.
Tiniest Titan+
- Increased the initial gold gain from 8 to 15.
Upward Mobility
- Reduced the health gain on level up from 3 to 2.
What the Forge
- Reduced the health gain per equipped Artifact from 110 to 60.
Portal and Charm Updates
Besides the major adjustments in the core of TFT compositions, there are also changes in other game features. Here are some of the modifications included in the Portal and Charm:
Let ‘Em Cook Portal
- It will no longer drop the Reforgers.
New Charms
- Golden Armor
- Scope Expansion
- Combat Mastery
Judgement and The Chariot Charms:
- Gold cost adjusted.
It’s no-brainer that some team compositions are likely to change after the TFT patch 14.20 goes live. The augments will be significantly affected with the major nerfed and buffed that will come in. Meanwhile, some Champions may get more exposure in the incoming meta with the buffs in their abilities. Faerie, Bastion, and Shapeshifter are likely to emerge as top picks for matches after the update.
Definitely, it will take time before all players fully adjust to the current changes in the incoming patch 14.20. It is better to start taking notes of the patch adjustments and work on your new comp strategy as early as now.