Following the reveals of our CS:GO and VALORANT rosters for this season, it’s time to also reveal our Fragster League of Legends roster. The revised lineup with some old and new faces aims to attack the upcoming next split of the League of Legends Prime League Division 3.1.
From the team from the last split, Yellowmoonkey and Tockimo remain in their positions. Betongmisch Gary will now advance to the position of the Head Coach instead of Jungle. Joining the line-up are Youca, Millidan, Honest, FelixAD, and Evenso.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank FornoReason, MartyBG, Scam Coach, Greenthor, Llamarama, and Se6t who have left the team. We wish you all the best in the future guys!
On top lane, we welcome an “old hand” Youca, who brings four years of valuable experience to the team. He previously played together with Tockimo.
“Personally, I felt right at home with the lads and as an experienced player, I think I’ll be a good addition to the squad. I am positive that as a team we will show our best and Fragster will support us along the way.”
In the Jungle we welcome Millidan, who will be attacking for the first time in Div 3 at his young age, but we are sure he will perform.
“This will be my first split in Prime League Division 3, so it’s something special for me personally. I’m looking forward to working with Fragster who made this possible in the first place and will do my best in the upcoming split.”
On the mid lane we have Honest, who is something to fear because, as he says, he won’t let mid laners sleep easy.
“For me, Fragster is the opportunity to go from an amateur to a professional league player. I’m looking forward to showing the world what I’m capable of together with my team. Thank you for the chance.”
Strengthened into the winter split
Our team manager SYSTEM L0CK3D is also confident about the new line-up and can hardly wait for the Winter Split:
“After the bumpy last split, we made a few changes to attack better in Winter Split and in the future. We also rely on a German-speaking team for this split. I’m very happy that we can put together such a strong lineup for the Winter Split. Opponents will definitely work up a sweat!”
Distribution of roles in the team:
- Youca – Top lane
- Millidan – Jungle
- Honest – Mid lane
- Yellowmoonkey – ADC
- Tockimo – Support
- Concrete Mix Gary – Head Coach (Previously Player)
- Evenso – Assistant Coach
- FelixAD – Assistant Coach
Of course we wish the team all the best and a successful season in the Fragster jersey!