
Plagiarism in the Revolution Case skins in CS:GO?

fragster Eduardo 15. February 2023

Last February 10, Valve released a new skin box called Revolution Case after several months of waiting. This arrived in the Steam market 219 days since the last one was released.

This new game update added 17 new weapon skins, a sticker capsule, and a new music kit. The CS has spectacularly well received these GO community skins due to their originality. However, this most recent release has generated controversy in recent hours since, in the eyes of some community members, several of the skins that make up the Revolution Case are allegedly plagiarized.

Plagiarism in the Revolution Case

According to some community members, the skins with plagiarized details are the M4A4 | Temukau and AWP | Doodle Lore, designed by f0rnez and Jimmba, respectively. On the other hand, they claim to have additional evidence suggesting that plagiarism is genuine.

One of the artists who has published the most stickers in CS:GO, Danidem, highlights that the released skins have the same traits as some existing skins with weapons that were not selected from Temukau in the Revolution Case.

In these comparisons, we can see how different similarities in the faces are remarkable. However, on the other hand, Twinz3D also points out that the skin of the M4A4 is very similar to another one previously published.

F0rnez defends himself

The designer f0rnez himself has taken the trouble to defend himself publicly in the Twitter thread stressing that he has not copied anything to create these skins. However, he also points out that if he has collected inspiration using other skins, something that is usual and even necessary to be able to continue with the CS:GO line. Furthermore, the artist has published how he already had this design’s details drawn by hand.

The AWP is also the subject of controversy

The M4A4 was not the only weapon that generated controversy in the CS:GO community. According to Danidem himself, the AWP also features different details that are very suspicious. For example, the flowers, ears, and horns that adorn the dragon in the Doodle Lore are the same as the dragon previously created by Vexx.

Dadidem continued the attack towards the creator of the AWP Doodle Lore of the Revolution Case and said:

“I’m checking out the workshop of the “artist” that submitted Doodle Lore and there’s no way anyone could improve that much in a span of less than a month. Look at the submission dates.”

Many players celebrate the arrival of the new CS:GO box in the Revolution case after more than 290 days. However, the great artists within the Steam Workshop show their anger after learning about all the similarities.

There is no doubt that this can affect the reputation of the artist as well as Steam. After more than 290 days, CS:GO developers released a new box, and skins appear to be plagiarized. This is not good news for the CS:GO community or Valve.

Header: Valve