
Lillia Build Guides, Runes and Items

Embark on a journey with the enchanting fae fawn, Lillia, as she ventures through Ionia’s mystical forests in search... Pablo | 3. February 2023

Embark on a journey with the enchanting fae fawn, Lillia, as she ventures through Ionia’s mystical forests in search of lost dreams. Experience her shy and skittish demeanor as you delve into the secrets of the Dreaming Tree. With a magical branch in hand, Lillia hopes to awaken the sparkle within and help others untangle their fears. Join her as we explore the optimal runes and items, tips for different game stages, and mesmerizing combos in this comprehensive guide on how to play Lillia in League of Legends.

Pros and Cons

Unlock the full potential of Lillia as we delve into the advantages and disadvantages of playing her. In this section, we will explore her strengths and weaknesses and provide insight on how to effectively utilize them in game. Understanding the pros and cons of Lillia is key to making the most out of her abilities and elevating your gameplay

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Best Lillia Build


1- High Damage Output

 Lillia possesses an impressive damage output that allows her to easily take down opponents in both single combat and team fights.

2- High Mobility

 Lillia’s passive, “Dream-Laden Bough,” gives her bonus movement speed when near brushes and additional magic damage to her next basic attack when leaving them. This makes her one of the most mobile champions in the game and allows for quick repositioning and dodging.

 3- Engage/Disrupt

 With her ultimate ability, Lillia is able to initiate and disengage from fights with ease. Her ultimate creates a zone of asleep enemies, making it easy for her team to follow up and secure kills.

4- Extremely Efficient Counter Jungler

 Lillia’s mobility and speed make her one of the fastest and safest junglers in the game, allowing her to quickly move between camps and steal resources from the enemy team.

5- Ganking Potential

 With her mobility and quick repositioning, Lillia is able to pull off a lot of successful ganks and surprise attacks on enemy laners. This can greatly impact the outcome of the game and give her team a significant advantage.


1- Weak at Early Game Skirmishes

 Before reaching level 6, Lillia lacks hard crowd control abilities, making it difficult to effectively initiate or follow up on ganks and team fights.

2- Ultimate Needs Perfect Execution

 Lillia’s “Lilting Lullaby” ability, which places enemies to sleep, takes time to commence and has a relatively short duration. This leaves room for enemies to potentially escape or for other abilities to interrupt the sleep effect.

3- Very Squishy

 Building full AP items can leave Lillia very squishy and vulnerable to enemy damage, making it important to balance her build with defensive items.

4- Needs To Go In

 As a close-ranged champion, Lillia can struggle against other close-ranged bullies like Darius who can easily out-trade her in fights.

5- Needs A Tank On Her Team

 Lillia does not have any abilities or passive traits that make her a natural tank, and as such, she requires a tank on her team to help absorb damage and engage in fights.

Lillia’s Abilities

Unleash the magical powers of Lillia as we delve into her unique set of abilities. In this section, we will provide an in-depth look at each of Lillia’s skills, from her passive to her ultimate, and offer tips on how to effectively use them in game. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, this guide will provide you with the knowledge you need to master Lillia and make the most out of her abilities.

Passive: Dream-Laden Bough

Lillia Icon PassiveLillia’s passive, “Dream-Laden Bough,” causes her abilities to apply Dream Dust to enemies, dealing damage over time based on a percentage of the target’s maximum health. This damage is increased with more ability power. Additionally, Lillia restores a portion of her own health when applying Dream Dust to large jungle monsters and enemy champions.

Q: Blooming Blows

LilliaQLillia’s Q, “Blooming Blossoms,” serves as both a passive and an active ability. The passive component grants Lillia increased movement speed each time she hits an enemy with one of her abilities, stacking up to four times. The active component sees Lillia whirling her censer to deal magic damage to enemies in a cone in front of her. If an enemy is hit at the outer edge of the cone, they’ll take additional true damage. The damage dealt by this ability scales with Lillia’s ability power.

W: Watch Out! Eep!

LilliaWLillia’s W, “Watch Out! Eep!”, sees her winding up a powerful strike that deals magic damage to all enemies in a line in front of her. Enemies in the center of the line take significantly increased damage. The damage dealt by this ability scales with Lillia’s ability power.

E: Swirlseed

LilliaELillia’s E, “Swirlseed,” sees her lobbing a seed that deals magic damage and slows enemies in an area where it lands. If the seed misses its initial target, it continues rolling until it hits an enemy or collides with terrain. The damage and slow effect provided by this ability scale with Lillia’s ability power.

R: Lilting Lullaby

LilliaRLillia’s ultimate, “Lilting Lullaby,” sees her causing all enemy champions affected by her Dream Dust to become Drowsy and then fall Asleep. If they take damage while Asleep, they take additional magic damage. This ability can be a game-changer in fights and team fights, providing a moment of respite for Lillia and her allies while setting up significant damage against her enemies.

The Best Runes for Lillia

When it comes to maximizing Lillia’s potential, runes play a key role in enhancing her abilities and overall performance in-game. In this section, we’ll take a look at the optimal runes that are best suited to Lillia, ensuring that you’re well equipped to take on the competition.


For the most efficient AP Lillia build in the Domination rune tree, the keystone rune should always be Dark Harvest. This rune is often underrated and its power increases significantly as the game progresses. Lillia’s passive can trigger Dark Harvest, allowing her to stack the rune every time she successfully ganks or takes down an enemy champion below 50% health.

Cheap Shot

In the secondary runes, Cheap Shot is the preferred option for Lillia as the other choices do not offer much benefit. Lillia doesn’t have a dash, making Sudden Impact useless, and Taste of Blood is better suited for lane champions rather than jungle champions like Lillia. Cheap Shot can be triggered by her abilities when combined with Rylai’s Crystal Scepter.

Zombie Ward or Eyeball Collection

8136For the third row of runes, either Zombie Ward or Eyeball Collection can be taken, depending on playstyle preference and the enemy team composition. Zombie Ward is a good choice in higher elo games, where more wards are likely to be placed, as it provides vision control and helps to clear out enemy vision with your red trinket. However, in lower elo games, Eyeball Collection may be a better choice due to the constant fighting, as it allows you to stack the rune easily with takedowns.

Ravenous Hunter

Finally, in the last row, Ravenous Hunter is the recommended rune to take. This rune allows Lillia to clear camps and counter-jungle while maintaining her health bar, making it a more efficient choice compared to the other options. The passive speed from Lillia’s kit is already sufficient, making Relentless Hunter redundant, and Ultimate Hunter is unnecessary given the low cooldown of Lillia’s ultimate.

Secondary Runes

In the second tree, consider taking the sorcery runes, Nimbus Cloak and Waterwalking. These runes complement Lillia’s passive and enhance her mobility. A combination of her Q and Flash can quickly get her deep into the enemy team, surprising them and allowing her to escape while casting her ultimate. When it comes to runes, it’s best for Lillia to double down on adaptive armor and AP, as her skills will outperform her auto attacks soon enough. Opting for adaptive AP is always the better choice as Lillia has no need for attack speed.

The Best Items for Lillia

When it comes to building items for Lillia, it is important to keep in mind her role as an AP mage and to maximize her ability power, movement speed, and survivability. The items you choose will largely depend on the enemy team’s composition and playstyle. The goal is to build items that will enhance Lillia’s strengths and provide a well-rounded balance of damage and survival. In this section, we will discuss the best items for Lillia and what to consider when making your choices.

Starting Item

The item Mostomper Seedling along with a health potion is a great starter choice for Lillia due to its unique passive abilities. The Scorchclaw companion provides a 30% reduction in damage taken from Epic monsters when two or more ally champions are nearby, allowing Lillia to clear jungle camps more safely. The Tasty Treats feature allows players to feed the companion up to 40 times to empower Lillia and her Smite with additional effects. By gaining bonus treats, players can upgrade their Smite to deal 900 damage and slow enemy champions, and later upgrade it again to deal 1200 damage to the primary non-champion target and 50% of the damage to nearby monsters.

Additionally, the Mostomper Seedling’s unique passive provides a health shield after killing a monster camp or after 10 seconds out of combat, granting players 20% Tenacity and slow resistance while the shield is present and for 1.5 seconds after it has been broken. This extra defensive layer provides Lillia with the durability she needs to succeed in the jungle. The bonus experience granted by the item also helps her level up faster, allowing her to reach her power spikes more quickly.

In conclusion, Mostomper Seedling is a great item for Lillia due to its unique passive abilities, which grant her additional mobility, damage, and durability in the jungle.

Mythic Item

Liandry’s Anguish is a powerful item that works well with Lillia’s kit. It provides 20 Ability Haste, 80 Ability Power, and 600 Mana, which help to increase Lillia’s damage output and sustainability in fights. The unique passive of Liandry’s Anguish allows her to deal bonus magic damage against enemy champions, based on the target’s bonus health. This is especially effective against tanks and bruisers, who have high health pools. Additionally, the item burns enemies with its unique passive, dealing magic damage over 4 seconds, capped at 400 against monsters. This makes Lillia’s damage even more potent in fights. Lastly, the mythic passive of Liandry’s Anguish empowers Lillia’s other legendary items with 5 ability haste, allowing her to get her skills off cooldown more quickly and keep her damage output high. Overall, Liandry’s Anguish is a great item choice for Lillia.

Other Items

Demonic Embrace shares similarities with both Lillia’s passive and Liandry’s Anguish, as it deals max health based damage just like Lillia’s passive. With the current tank meta, this item significantly increases Lillia’s damage, especially against high health targets. Additionally, the item provides short-duration stacking of resistances during fights, further increasing Lillia’s survivability and making her harder to catch and kill when combined with her speed.

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter is also a very important item for Lillia as it provides her with that extra bit of utility in teamfights that will prove to be immensely useful for her teammates. There is no single type of boots that is necessary on Lillia every game and you can opt for Mercury Treads or Sorcerer’s Shoes depending on what your team exactly needs you to do.

The First Jungle Pathing

There are two standard clears on Lillia depending on where you want to gank first. If you feel like your team would have more chance to win if you play through the top side, then you have to start from your blue buff, and if you feel like your bot lane would be better to play around, then you have to start from your red buff. Let’s take a look at both these jungle paths in detail.

Red Buff Start

The way we start from the Red Buff is to take help from your nearest ally. If they don’t come to help, then your health would be in a bad place and your first clearance would be compromised. Since the red buff can be more difficult to kite, using Smite on it can conserve health as you won’t need to Smite Krugs as they can be kited pretty efficiently on Lillia. We will be heading towards the Raptors next and you will be surprised to see how quickly they will go down, they are one of the best camps to clear as Lillia, and you can simply head towards the Wolves next to do the same. We then clear the Blue Buff and Gromp simultaneously, and our clear should be completed sometime around 3 minutes and 20 seconds if we did everything right. We can simply go towards the Scuttle Crab next near us, and look for a potential gank in one of the two lanes nearby.

Blue Buff Start

The way we start our jungle clear from the Blue Buff is to once again take help from our laner but they don’t need to stay with us for a long time, we can simply do Gromp and Blue Buff simultaneously when they are low. In case you aren’t very proficient in clearing, you can use your Smite on Gromp when you get really low. The next thing to clear are Wolves, and then we go directly towards the Red Buff. After clearing the Red Buff, we can look for a gank if the enemy wave is pushed up, otherwise we can do Krugs and then go for the Raptors or Scuttle Crab depending on the time.

What to do after the first clear?

At this stage you would be around Level 3 or Level 4 at max, and if you haven’t secured your team a kill or at least a summoner spell at this stage of the game, then you are clearly doing something wrong. Liliia is a ganker who should take advantage of the early game’s limited vision to punish her opponents and force them to give up priority in their lanes. You should be always on the lookout for pushed-up targets. It won’t be wrong to prioritize the lane you feel that has the most chance to win the game for you, and you can even do cheeky ganks that would annoy the opponent.

How to teamfight as Lillia?

When it comes to teamfighting as Lillia, it can take some time to get the hang of it. Your main focus should be finding opportunities to put as many enemies to sleep as you can. Stay alert to potential enemy flanks and look for good engagement opportunities, especially around key objectives like Baron and the Elder Drake in the late game. Consider waiting for the enemy to start these objectives and then engaging at the entrance of the pit, allowing you and your team to take advantage of the damage from both sides while you put the enemy to sleep. Lillia shines in the late game with her high movement speed and the protection offered by Zhonya’s Hourglass. Don’t be afraid to use your ultimate, as it is a valuable tool with a low cooldown. Even using it on just one enemy can pay off if it results in securing objectives. Be bold and confident in your plays and you’ll excel in teamfighting as Lillia. Don’t hesitate to make a daring engagement and then follow it up with Zhonya’s Hourglass.

Lillia against other champions

Lillia is a versatile champion, capable of facing different opponents in the Rift. It’s important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Lillia when facing different champions, to maximize her potential and overcome any challenges. In this section, we will discuss Lillia’s match-ups against various champions in League of Legends.

Xin Zhao

When facing Xin Zhao, it’s important to keep in mind that he is a formidable early game opponent. To stay safe, try to dodge his spear and use your W in front of you for a guaranteed hit. Though Xin falls off late game, it’s crucial to prevent him from getting a lead. Consider counterjungling him to establish an advantage and keep him behind in gold and CS. Additionally, Lillia’s ultimate can still be used on Xin even if you are outside of his ultimate’s radius, giving you an opportunity to escape. However, if you are ahead or have allies nearby, consider confronting him inside his ultimate’s range which should be within the range of your outer Q.


Against Vi, it’s best to have support from your team in early to mid-game as she can be quite squishy. Avoid 1v1ing her at all costs as she can quickly close in on you with her Q dash and deal a burst of damage. Utilize Phase Rush to escape from her. Be cautious of her ultimate at level 6, as it has the ability to cancel yours. Wait for her to use it before using your own ultimate, and consider getting Zhonya’s Hourglass to protect yourself from her knockups and overall damage.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin is a very potent jungler known for his early game aggression. To protect yourself against his invasions, it’s important to ward the entrances of your jungle and the river with control wards. Lee Sin’s pressure on the map is significant due to his strong ganking capabilities. If you have the opportunity, try to countergank him to nullify his effectiveness. To minimize the damage he can do to you, it’s crucial to dodge his Q with your movement speed. Although he is a formidable opponent early on, Lee Sin’s power falls off significantly in the mid-late game, making him an easier target for you. During this phase of the game, take advantage of his weaknesses and look for opportunities to pick him off.


Kayn is one of the toughest matchups for Lillia in my opinion. He has a difficult early game but it is still better than Lillia’s. Against Blue Kayn, he is extremely hard to catch and pin down, while Red Kayn is less so, but still very difficult to take down. Both forms of Kayn have a high damage output. When using Lillia’s ultimate, be aware that Kayn has the ability to dodge it by using his own ultimate. To prevent this, you can use Zhonya’s Hourglass immediately after using your ultimate, or wait until Kayn has already used his ultimate before using yours. It is important to play cautiously when facing a Blue Kayn, sticking close to your team so that he cannot easily take you down. When facing a Red Kayn, make sure to dodge his W knockup with your movement speed. As a ranged champion, Lillia grants Kayn blue orbs, so be careful not to get hit as this will allow him to transform into Blue Kayn.


Graves is a well-rounded champion, strong in many stages of the game if he is fed. To prevent him from getting fed, keep an eye out for potential invasions and ask for help from your team. If he’s coming after you, use your movement speed to dodge his Q and smoke screen, and kite him with your range advantage as his auto attack range is limited. On the positive side, he has no way of avoiding your ultimate, so use it to take advantage of his squishiness and potentially take him out with a one-shot.

Lillia Combos

Lillia’s combos can be crucial in securing kills and taking control of fights. In this section, we’ll be discussing the most effective combos that Lillia players can utilize in different situations to maximize their damage output and overall effectiveness in fights. Whether you’re looking to burst down a target or peel for your allies, Lillia’s unique kit offers a variety of options for players to utilize in different scenarios. Let’s dive into the most effective Lillia combos!

Lullaby Sleep

This combo involves using Lillia’s E (Swirlseed) to slow down enemies, then using her R (Lilting Lullaby) to put them to sleep and dealing extra damage. Once the enemies are asleep, Lillia can follow up with her W (Watch Out! Eep!) to deal significant damage in a line, and finally finish off with her Q (Blooming Blossoms) to deal additional damage in a cone. This combo allows Lillia to easily close the gap, disrupt and damage the enemy team, making it a powerful and effective way to initiate fights or secure kills.

Flash Burst

The combo works by first using E to slow down the enemy, followed by Q to apply Dream Dust and deal damage. Then you can use Flash to close the gap and reposition for maximum damage output. Next, you use your ultimate, R, to put the enemy to sleep and increase the damage they receive. Finally, you follow up with W and Q to deal significant damage and finish off the enemy. This combo allows Lillia to quickly burst down an enemy while also having the potential to set up a follow-up attack from her allies.

Auto Attack Burst

This combo involves Lillia quickly alternating between her auto attacks and abilities to deal maximum damage in a short amount of time. The combo starts with a few auto attacks to stack Lillia’s passive, “Dream-Laden Bough.” Next, she casts Q, “Blooming Blossoms,” to deal additional damage and trigger the passive movement speed increase. Another set of auto attacks is followed by casting W, “Watch Out! Eep!,” to deal damage in a line. Finally, Lillia casts E, “Swirlseed,” to slow her target and deal more damage. The combo ends with another series of auto attacks to finish off the target.

Additional Tips


Swirlseed is versatile and its long range allows Lillia to gather information for her team, poke enemies, cause global sleep, or gain increased movement speed by hitting her targets. It may require some practice, but with time and effort in the practice tool, you can master its various uses.


In conclusion, Lillia is a versatile champion with a lot of potential in League of Legends. Her abilities are potent in both the early and late game, and her kit is well-rounded, making her a strong pick in most situations. With the right combinations, she can provide a lot of damage and control, making her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, learning Lillia’s combos is essential to unlocking her full potential. Good luck on the Rift!