
Legends of Runeterra Call of the Mountain Day 1 Decks

fragster 27. August 2020

If you’re like most of us, you’ve probably raced into Legends of Runeterra from the moment the Call of the Mountain expansion hit live servers to create a couple of brand-new decks! The amount of hype behind this release is just astounding, and with good reason.

With seven entirely new champions and a bevy of accompanying units and spells, Call of the Mountain is bound to leave a huge mark on the meta. Any time there’s such a big influx of content, the status quo tends to shift. This moment should be no different. To make matters even more interesting, most of these cards have jumpstarted a wide variety of new synergies and combinations. Fortunately, the Legends of Runeterra community is extremely passionate, and once Call of the Mountain was released, a good number of top-tier players already had their decks and strategies prepared.

This is great for us mere mortals as we can use their decks as a foundation and then experiment ourselves. So let’s focus on what’s new, which meta decks sprung to life overnight, and what we can expect going forward!

Legends of Runeterra Call of the Mountain Day 1 Decks

Even though we’re just 24 hours into the expansion, a couple of decks have already managed to stand out. These are all still a work in progress, but they’re good enough and are certainly worth your time:

  • A Daybreak and Invoke-themed deck with Aurelion and Leona. (CEBQWAYJCUNBYNSLJRKFKV2YMAAQCAA2AEBAAAIAAEAQGCIT)
  • Fiora/Taric deck revolving around Fiora’s leveled up win condition. (CECAKAIABMOSKKZNAYBQSDBDHJDVCWABAMAAMAICAAFAAAIBAMESS)
  • A Diana/Leona combo has already hit the web and it’s not half bad either. (CEBAWAYJDQRTMOCJJNGFIVSYMAAQGBICAEBAGCI2KUAA)
  • A Nocturne/Diana deck revolving around the Nightfall keyword. (CEBQCAIFF4DAGCJDHBEVQWK6AUBQKAQDAQCQMAICAMES6SYA)

Expect the world’s best and most talented players to continue iterating and eventually come up with even better decklists in the coming weeks.

Legends of Runeterra Call of the Mountain Decks

What’s Strong?

Right now, both Leona and Aurelion Sol seem mighty strong. The former, in particular, can be utilized in various different strategies and deck types, with Daybreak being far more oppressive than most expected. Getting Aurelion on the board can be quite difficult (depending on the deck), but if you manage to pull it off, it’s almost a guaranteed win. If you level him up, you’ll be able to cast Celestial spells free of charge and most of them carry the potential to completely shift the course of the game.

The jury is still out on Lulu, Diana, Taric, and Nocturne, with Trundle currently being an A-tier option.

Are there any Downsides?

Even though a ton of new cards were just released, most of them belong to the Targon region. This means that a couple of older decks (and regions) didn’t get a lot of support, so they’re bound to struggle in the upcoming meta, at least ever so slightly. New and exciting strategies have just sprung to life, and it’ll be interesting to see how well they stack up against the “tried and true” meta decks that have dominated over the last couple of months.

Either way, this might be a good time to pick up a new deck. Understanding its intricacies will also allow you to adapt and counter it should the need arise.

What Should You Build?

Before spending your hard-earned money on shards or any kind of deck, make sure to hop into a couple of Lab games. You can test out six pre-made decks in the Discover Targon Lab mode free of charge! You should definitely use this opportunity and experiment to your heart’s content before making the plunge! Either way, we’ll bring you an update as soon as there’s something new to cover!