
Legends of Runeterra | Bandle City Announced Along With New H2 2021 Roadmap!

fragster 29. July 2021

Legends of Runeterra fans rejoice — Bandle City will be coming to our favorite CCG in a matter of weeks! Moreover, as if that exciting bit of news wasn’t enough, Riot has also unveiled the entire LoR roadmap for the second half of 2021.

Given all that was just announced (or at the very least teased), it’s fair to say that players have quite a lot to look forward to!

There’s also a brand-new RPG-style Lab that’ll allow players to venture through Bilgewater as Miss Fortune, Twisted Fate, or Tahm Kench in an attempt to defeat Gangplank — a nice little PvE palate cleanser, no doubt. But before we delve any deeper, make sure to give the following video a look!

The folks over at Riot have done a great job (as always) at explaining everything in great detail!

Legends of Runeterra | Bandle City Incoming!

The city of Yordles will, in fact, be the tenth and final region that will ever be released in LoR. Riot might still change their mind, of course, but at the time of this writing that’s the plan. Champions from Ixtal and the Void will come to the game at a later date (think 2022), but they’ll be added to existing regions rather than receive their own.

Bandle City is best known for its Yordles including Corki, Lulu, Teemo, Rumble, Tristana, Veigar, and Yuumi. Some of these champions are already in the game, but having a wholly separate region will definitely make things a lot more interesting!

Legends of Runeterra Bandle City

A ton of content is coming our way!

2021 Legends of Runeterra Roadmap

As promised, Riot has also given us the roadmap for the second half of 2021. It goes without saying, but there’s a metric ton of goodies for us to talk about! Bandle City will be introduced to the game in just a couple of weeks (August) alongside a brand new set called “Beyond the Bandlewood.” We’ll also get a bespoke event pass that will allow players to experience this oh-so-peculiar Runeterran region in more detail!

September has been reserved for the Legends of Runeterra World Championship — the best and most capable players in the world will all clash for a sizable prize pool and a chance at making history! It goes without saying, but there’s quite a lot on the line and if you’re even remotely interested in the competitive side of LoR, you’d be wise to tune in!

Once that’s done, October will mark the start of a brand new ranked season along with the release of Battle Academia skins and cosmetics. November, on the other hand, will introduce yet another major PvE expansion to the game alongside a new themed event, and a “mega event pass.” What that’ll look like is anyone’s guess at this point, but it sure does sound promising! Last but certainly not least, a new expansion called “Magical Misadventures” will ship to live servers in December, along with a new seasonal tournament and ranked season.

All in all, there’s a ton of incredible new content coming our way in the near future! Moreover, it’s impossible not to be awed by the speed at which the LoR dev team has been churning out expansions and events; they’ve made it look easy! For a more detailed look at the latest patch notes, make sure to head over to the official LoR website!