
League Patch 12.7 – Nerfs to Zeri, Rengar, Lee Sin and more

Riot Games is buffing and nerfing many League of Legends champions in Patch 12.7, with special consideration given to... Shubh | 6. April 2022

Riot Games is buffing and nerfing many League of Legends champions in Patch 12.7, with special consideration given to Wukong, Lee Sin, Ryze, and others. Despite the fact that numerous champions will receive nerfs or buffs in Patch 12.7, no champion will see more major changes than Zeri.

Zeri is one of the most dominating champions in League’s professional play and with a pick/ban rate of 69 percent, she is also one of the most picked champions in the professional competition this season, ranking third among all champions.

Not only is she getting nerfed on all of her abilities but her base state is also being reduced. The overpowered champion of Zaun is brutally taken down by Riot. August Browning, the lead designer of League, released some updates about the details of Zeri’s upcoming nerfs in patch 12.7.

Zeri’s base attack damage and attack damage per level are both being decreased as well as her base armor is also being reduced from 22 to 20. 

The base damage of Zeri’s trademark ability, Burst Fire (Q), has been lowered as well as her Ultrashock Laser (W base )’s damage has been reduced at all tiers. Burst Fire will now only apply the hit effect once on casting. To balance the nerfs, Riot is also introducing some buffs as well. Zeri’s HP per level is being slightly increased from 90 to 95 and its scaling properties via her AD and AP have been boosted.

Rengar follow up adjustments

Rengar is also getting nerfed, his bonus damage that he deals to towers and structures will be taken down by 40 percent. To compensate for the severe reduction to his assault power, the damage it deals with jungle monsters has been raised at all ranks.

Aside from Rengar, Lee Sin’s base Attack Damage, as well as the damage of his Q, Sonic Wave, will be nerfed. Jayce was also unable to avoid Riot’s nerf list. His base HP and Armor will be reduced, and to compensate, a per-level increase to his HP and Armor will be implemented.

League Patch 12.7 – Champion Buffs

Lillia’s Dream-Laden Bough’s healing ratio has increased significantly, from 12 percent AP to 20 percent AP. At every level, Her W ability will gain an extra 10 damage. This will definitely help in both her endurance and her viability in professional play.

Wukong is also getting plenty of buffs and it is safe to say that Riot has paid some special attention to the Monkey King. At all levels, his Q ability’s cooldown will be reduced by a second, and his W ability will now be capable of going through barriers. His other ability, Nimbus Strike, is also getting buffed. After the patch goes live, it will inflict 30 percent more damage. Riot also tweaked his AP ratio and boosted it by 20 percent.

Karthus is also being buffed with a 10 percent increase to his Q damage on monsters, which would probably decrease the amount of mana necessary to clear camps. As per the game’s patch schedule, these modifications to Zeri, Wukong, Lilia, and others will be implemented with League’s upcoming Patch 12.7, which will be released on April 13.