
Latest CS2 Update (July 22) – Key Changes

fragster Radu M. 24. July 2024

CS2’s latest update, released by Valve on July 22, introduced several significant changes that will likely have a significant impact on the game.

The Copenhagen Major trophies, which were added to the players’ profiles, might boost their confidence for a few days. But the other changes are a bit more interesting.

The Dust II Crate Stack Modification

Near CT spawn, right next to the passage that leads to A, there used to be a certain number of creates. Those creates were modified to allow players to self-boost with ease.

This change should result in adjusted early game tactics, because the CT side can get to the middle of the map more quickly if they decide to take the upper route. It will also result in adjusted bomb defusal tactics. Because now, the player coming to defuse the bomb from B can self-boost and compromise the T-side’s position if they’re not paying attention to the crates.

When the T-side decides to assault the other bomb location, the CT players who are guarding the A-site have more alternatives to quickly get to B.

New Game Servers In London

Players from the UK will no doubt rejoice at Valve’s decision to add official servers in London. Their ping will be significantly lowered by this improvement, which means they might even start winning games. Jokes aside, it’s always good to see an expansion of the hardware capabilities that enable players to have a smooth experience around the world.

Reduced Damage Through Thin Walls

One of the things we’ve seen since the launch of CS2, especially at the pro level, is players getting killed very quickly through thin walls. With this change, Valve hopes to make such tactics less effective and lower the luck factor on maps that contain thin walls in key locations.

It’s never fun to lose a member of your team at the start of the round because an enemy player had the inspiration to shoot blindly through a thin wall and land a headshot.

Upcoming Changes

It remains to be seen what comes next from Valve but we still haven’t seen some changes that can balance the game a little bit. The pistol rounds are still hugely important. Losing both of them almost guarantees that you will lose the map, unless you’re extremely good at winning force-buy rounds.

In the coming months, something should be done about this.

Header: Valve