Player behavior in League of Legends has always been quite critical as it impacted not only single experiences but the community as a whole, such issues have over the years seen some drastic changes in the atmosphere around Riot Games. Change is always necessary, as Riot Games has encouraged us to learn new dynamics of a community with new League of Legends Honor Levels that are getting tested on PBE. The Honor system has new changes that significantly affect inter-player communications. So, let’s get started and there is much to learn about this system and how better it can make your experience while gaming!
What is League of Legends’ Honor System?
The Honor system was designed to promote players’ positive interaction with their co-players. A few years ago, the system was launched which allowed players to praise achievements in good play and teamwork. Nevertheless, many players thought the system was quite ineffective. There were complaints of toxic behavior that continued suggesting that just incentivizing individuals was not enough. This is when Riot understood this loophole and tried to bridge this gap by redesigning the Honor system.
Riot Games analyzed the feedback from the community and decided to transform the Honor system with the primary goal of enforcing an improved differentiation of behavior levels manner within the community. The new system protects the players’ active participation with regard to the context and the mood during the match. By creating Honor in tiers, Riot should promote the players’ aspiration not only to enhance their own performance but also to support their team members’ performance which would make the game fun and entertaining for all participants.
Overview of the Revamped Honor Levels
The new League of Legends Honor system has been divided into five basic levels that possess various features and sanctions in relation to a player’s in-game activity. Each level has its own guideline where players are given or restricted of some actions based on their behavior within the game.
- Players who reach Honor Level 1 will be restricted from using All Chat, Champion Select Chat, or Post Game Chat, thereby limiting their chances for becoming potentially toxic and avoiding interactions with others. Moreover, players also cannot be rewarded in ranked matches.
- In Honor Level 2, there seems to be no mention of change since the previous level as players are still restricted to All chat. In addition, the players are still not able to receive ranked match bonuses.
- Players start getting back some privileges that correspond to their behavior improvement at Honor Level 3. All chat channels can be used at this level, which in return promotes better communication among team members during a match. Furthermore, players at this level are also able to get more experience which is beneficial for Battle Pass levels and also qualify for ranked match rewards.
- While players at Honor Level 4 get the perks of level 3, they also receive a higher Battle Pass XP as a bonus for their good behavior during the game level. The changes also include visual identification through Honor emblems which can be displayed on loading screens. Moreover, it also allows players to send more pings and emotes during their matches.
- At the highest Honor Level 5, players are fully rewarded with all the advantages attained from level 4 as well as the greatest Battle Pass XP. Furthermore, the moment any match starts, an Honor emblem appears in the chat. Players who reach this level also gain certain privileges that include some animations while returning to base and exclusive skins relating to the previous versions of the Honor system.
Changes in Player Progression
The coming of these new League of Legends Honor levels is intended both to support the users and to urge them to be more polite while playing the games. With the Honor concept, Riot Games sought to reinforce good behavior, such as communication and cooperation that would improve the enjoyment of the game and the team.
This approach also attempts dealing with the issues of toxicity by creating a clear policy on negative behavior and at the same time rewarding those who engage positively. Gamers who behave nicely and practice good sportsmanship will not only be rewarded with general gameplay but also in-game incentives for interacting with other gamers in a better way.
New Honor levels in League of Legends is a step forward to create a more respectful gaming community and environment which is enjoyable for all the players. Riot Games is helping to set the context so that more emphasis is put on positive behavior and there are consequences for negative behaviors. As we progress through the PBE and beyond keep it in mind: each interaction is important! Do your best to honor your teammates and help them, and in return benefit more in the game and gaming society.