Potentially, Sova is one of VALORANT’s most deadly yet challenging-to-master agents. This character rewards how tactical and brilliant players can be.
Sova promotes a very methodical play style and, in the right hands, is probably one of the most potent agents in the game.
Sova’s Skills
Like the rest of the VALORANT agents, Sova has four abilities: two purchasable, one that resets each round, and one ultimate. On the other hand, this agent also has a passive ability.
Two of Sova’s abilities are similar, as players can choose between a single or double bounce for the arrow. In addition, using a bar, you can determine the strength of the arrow’s launch.
His first skill is Owl Drone, where the agent will equip a drone to fly in different areas. In turn, this drone can shoot a tracer dart over the rivals, showing them through the walls. Moreover, teammates will also be able to see whatever the drone sees.
Sova’s second ability is the Shock Bolt. After equipping an arrow, the agent can release a bolt that detonates in a specific area inflicting damage to opponents and utilities. This ability has two charges.
The third skill is Sova’s most flexible skill, the Recon Bolt. At this moment, Sova launches an arrow that, upon landing, will emit three times a pulse that resembles a sonar, which will hit the enemies that are in the line of sight of the arrow.
Finally, his ultimate ability is Hunter’s Fury. Sova can launch up to three energy blasts that pierce walls. Players who receive the charges will be revealed for a short time. This ability can be used while the timer is active.
Sova’s playstyle
As you may have noticed, Sova’s abilities are characterized by arrows, meaning that he is an agent that excels at long-range. He can enable his team to a clear path and prepare them to attack or defend but will serve to clear any area of the map.
Sova can be used in any position in the team, as he is one of the most flexible agents available in VALORANT. This agent uses large spaces to use his reconnaissance skills to give information to his team.
Maps like Fracture, Breeze, and Ascent are, without a doubt, essential for this agent. But, at the same time, maps like Split can be an excellent challenge for Sova, as there are many sharp turns that we have to control.
Header: Riot Games