
Key items changes made by Dota 2 patch 7.32

Dota 2 patch 7.32 has removed a lot of the unused and abused neutral items. It also made changes... Radu M. | 24. August 2022

Dota 2 patch 7.32 has removed a lot of the unused and abused neutral items. It also made changes to some of the standard items as well. Overall, we’ve seen items that offer lifesteal being nerfed by 50% against creeps but getting buffed against enemy heroes. And that’s just one of the changes.

Other big changes are related to the buffs that were made to utility items. No doubt, Mekansm and Guardian Greaves will be purchased by offlaners and supports in almost every game. The cost of Mekansm was lowered by 100 gold and its cooldown is now just 50 seconds instead of 65. This allows teams to fight and push continuously.

The biggest item changes of Dota 2 patch 7.32

One of the item changes that are likely to impact players’ item builds is the series of buffs given to Glimmer Cape. Its active ability can now be cast from 600 range instead of 550, the magic resistance bonus is 20% instead of 15%, and the fade time is 0.5s instead of 0.6.

This item feels amazing for support heroes. Players will likely buy it right after Mekansm.

Another item that got buffed is Falcon Blade. Its damage was increased from 12 to 14. It may not seem like much, but given the low cost of the item, the buff is significant.

Dragon Lance is now easier to build for agility-based heroes because it requires a Blade of Alacrity. Its attack range got buffed by 10 but its agility bonus got nerfed by 1. Overall, this is great news for ranged carry heroes like Templar Assassin.

templar assassin

Valve Corporation

Hand of Midas now gives you a neutral item if possible when used on a neutral creep. This is an excellent way of guaranteeing yourself a new item at minute seven, if you have your Midas that early.

The evasion of Radiance got increased from 10% to 15%, which makes the item a lot better for heroes like Ember and Alchemist.

Refresher Shard and Black King Bar now require mana to cast. At the same time, Refresher Orb requires 350 mana instead of 300.

The most important neutral items that got removed from the game are these:

  • Spider Legs
  • The Leveller

Both of them were extremely powerful and players will need to rethink their play style. In particular, Spider Legs offered incredible mobility for most of the mid portion of the game.

The most important neutral items that were added to the game are these:

  • Specialist’s Array: +8 all stats, +10 attack damage, every 12 seconds you attack 3 targets instead of 1 if you’re a ranged hero.
  • Occult Bracelet: +5 all stats, passive – whenever you get hit, you gain +0.5 mana regen for 10 seconds (five stacks max).

Header: Valve Corporation