Blacephalon makes its return to Pokémon GO in five-star raids for the Pokémon GO Fest: Global event, accessible to players worldwide on Saturday, July 13. This event marks a unique opportunity for Trainers everywhere since Blacephalon, typically restricted to the Western Hemisphere, will be available globally just for this occasion.
Known for its strength, Blacephalon performs impressively in both Fire and Ghost-type categories. This makes participating in these raids particularly rewarding, especially given the added bonuses of GO Fest. This introduction sets the stage for a closer look at strategies and preparations needed to successfully challenge Blacephalon in Pokémon GO.
Best Blacephalon counters in Pokémon GO:
Blacephalon shows vulnerabilities to Dark, Ghost, Ground, Rock, and Water-types. Trainers should utilize these weaknesses when choosing counters. Being highly resistant to Bug, Fighting, and Normal-type moves, players should avoid using Pokémon with these types of attacks.
Effective counters include:
- Primal Kyogre: Waterfall & Origin Pulse
- Primal Groudon: Mud Shot & Precipice Blades
- Mega Tyranitar: Bite & Brutal Swing
- Mega Swampert: Water Gun & Hydro Cannon
- Mega Gengar: Lick & Shadow Ball
- Mega Garchomp: Mud Shot & Earth Power
- Mega Rayquaza: Dragon Tail & Dragon Ascent
- Mega Diancie: Rock Throw & Rock Slide
- Mega Blastoise: Water Gun & Hydro Cannon
- Mega Banette: Shadow Claw & Shadow Ball
- Hydreigon: Bite & Brutal Swing
- Rampardos: Smack Down & Rock Slide
Additional Points:
- Mega Diancie: Available to all trainers via the Glitz and Glam Research.
- Primal Kyogre and Groudon: Both had Raid Days earlier this season for easy obtainability.
- Rampardos and Hydreigon: Common spawns, making these excellent choices for many trainers.
Remember, you can only use one Mega Evolved Pokémon at a time. Therefore, trainers must strategically select the best counters from the available options. This ensures a hybrid approach to effectively counter Blacephalon.
Can Blacephalon Be Shiny in Pokémon GO?
Blacephalon cannot be Shiny in Pokémon GO at the moment. Niantic appears to be reserving its Shiny debut for an upcoming event.
Best Mega Evolutions to Increase Blacephalon Candy
Mega Evolutions can improve the number of Blacephalon candies and XL candies you earn with each capture. Using a level 3 Mega Evolution that increases candy for Fire and Ghost-type Pokémon will net an extra 2 candies per catch and a 25% boost to your XL candy chance.
Recommended Mega Evolutions to Obtain More Blacephalon Candy:
- Houndoom
- Blaziken
- Groudon
- Gengar
- Banette
Number of Trainers Needed to Defeat Blacephalon in Pokémon GO
Perfect IV Stats for Blacephalon in Pokémon GO
Defeating Blacephalon in a raid requires consideration of its weak defense. Two skilled trainers with top-tier counters can achieve victory with Party Play. On the other hand, trainers who are lower-level or have suboptimal counters should aim to have five trainers in their group for a successful raid.
Blacephalon is a compelling option as a Raid attacker, and obtaining a 100% IV is advantageous. Here are the CP values that signify a perfect IV:
Weather Effects:
Positive Effects:
- Sunny: Boosts your Ground-type Pokémon. Higher CP for Blacephalon when caught.
- Partly Cloudy: Increases power for Rock-type Pokémon.
- Rainy: Enhances Water-type Pokémon efficiency.
- Fog: Improves Ghost and Dark-type Pokémon. Catches Blacephalon with higher CP.
Negative Effects:
- Sunny: Strengthens Blacephalon’s Fire-type moves.
- Fog: Empower Blacephalon’s Ghost-type moves.
Neutral Weather:
- Windy: No notable effects on Pokémon.
- Cloudy: No significant changes noted.
- Snow: No articulate impacts identified.