
Big Hero Nerfs In Dota 2 Patch 7.37

Immediately after the release of Dota 2 patch 7.37, some of the game’s most successful heroes lost more than... Radu M. | 31. July 2024

Immediately after the release of Dota 2 patch 7.37, some of the game’s most successful heroes lost more than 3% in their win rate at the community level and stopped being spammed the way they were.

This article analyzes some of the biggest nerfs introduced by IceFrog in an attempt to completely reshape the meta ahead of The International 13.

Phantom Lancer

PL’s win rate dropped by almost 9% in just several days. This hero went from being one of the best carries in the game to being one of the worst. His current win rate, 43.95%, is lower even than Chen’s!

PL’s Divergence now gives juxtapose just 2% bonus illusion damage instead of 4%. His new innate ability, Illusory Armaments, seems to be more of a disability. Any item that would give him damage grants him 65% base damage instead, based on the damage bonus.

Perhaps this was supposed to make PL’s illusions stronger but the effect was clearly a negative one overall.

Spirit Lance’s illusion damage was decreased by 5%. Aghanim’s Scepter bonus illusion damage was decreased by 10%.

Juxtapose’s illusion damage was decreased by 5% at all levels.

The level 20 and level 25 talents were massively nerfed or replaced with far weaker versions.

Given all of these nerfs, it’s no wonder that PL is now a dead hero.




Tiny’s Toss radius was lowered by 50 and the bonus landing damage was lowered by 5% at all levels.

Toss no longer pierces magic resistance.

Grow’s Toss bonus damage was lowered by 50 / 75 / 100. The level 1 nerf is devastating because it cuts it in half.

The level 15 Avalanche talent was nerfed by 10 damage, which was the final nail in Tiny’s coffin. Do not expect to see this hero anytime soon at the pro level because his win rate dropped by 5.5%.


Brewmaster’s new innate ability is really bad because it gives him 20% attack damage bonus in situations where he just wants to run away in most cases.

His Thunder Clap also received massive nerfs. The cooldown at level 1 is 16s instead of 13s and the radius is 325 instead of 400.

Drunken Brawler is no longer an innate ability and has suffered lots of nerfs.

Overall, Brewmaster’s win rate has gone down by nearly 4%.

Shadow Fiend

Necromastery now needs you to choose the Lasting Presence facet in order to gain the max souls bonus when killing enemy heroes. The stack duration of Shadowraze was lowered by 1s. The mana cost was increased by 5, so 15 in total. Requiem of Souls also received important nerfs. The level 20 talent is weaker.

Overall, SF will also be spammed a little less because his win rate went down by nearly 4%.

Header: Valve