The arrival of Dota 2 patch 7.37 has changed the game considerably. The meta is evolving day by day and some offlane heroes are proving to be significantly stronger than others.
In this guide, you will discover three excellent options to increase your MMR in the coming weeks.
Underlord is one of the toughest offlaners to lane against. Every carry player hates this hero because he can easily run his opponent’s farm with his abilities.
His Atrophy Aura reduces damage of all nearby units in a 900 radius by 6% – 30%. Meanwhile, Underlord gains bonus damage for every kill he makes. He gets 2 – 8 damage for creeps and 30 – 45 damage for heroes. This buff lasts for 35 – 65s. This means that by the time he’s level 4, the lane is already difficult for the other side.
Firestorm is another ability that makes Underlord hard to lane against. It feels a lot like Sniper’s Shrapnel but it can be even deadlier because it deals not just flat damage equal to 30 – 90 per way times six waves. It also deals max HP burn damage equal to 1.5% – 3%.
The effect of the burn lasts for 2s. So a hero that gets caught in the wave for more than one second will take at least 9% of their maximum HP as damage in addition to the flat damage. Typically, enemies will suffer around 12% – 15% of their maximum HP as damage before they escape the Firestorm area.
That’s because Underlord’s Pit of Malice roots targets for 1.5s at level 1. If he also has a Rod of Atos, then the enemy will pretty much suffer for the entire duration of the spell, taking around 21% of their max HP as damage plus around 500 flat damage.
When playing Underlord, always maximize your Firestorm and your Atrophy Aura first. But put one point in Pit of Malice before level 5 to maximize the effectiveness of other spells and pose and even bigger threat to the enemy lane.
Centaur is one of the heroes that were left unmodified by Dota 2 patch 7.37. As an offlaner, his 5.7 HP regen and 4 strength increase per level means that the enemy carry will have a hard time keeping him away from the creeps.
Centaur is one of the best initiators in the game and can also assist in escapes using his ultimate, which is a global ability that gives all allies max movement speed for 3.5s – 4.5s
Centaur farms quickly because of his Retaliate ability. If you also buy a Blade Mail the returned damage amount becomes huge. You can further increase that damage at level 20 by picking the appropriate talent.
The total can reach 90 (flat) + 40% of your strength + Blade Mail’s passive return. On top of this, you can also activate your Blade Mail. At that point you will be a walking Tormentor and nobody will want to touch you.
Legion Commander
Valve Corporation
Legion Commander is another hero that excels at initiating fights, saving allies, and surviving. With just several items, you can turn LC into a terrifying initiator that can move at incredible speeds and tank thousands of points of damage before dying.
Thanks to Dota 2 patch 7.37, when you attack an enemy hero that’s higher level than you, you gain excellent HP regen bonuses for 4s. Moment of Courage is now a passive ability again but it works almost as well as before.
LC’s strength comes from her powerful abilities. Press the Attack, which gives 60 HP regen for 5s and 22% movement speed, and Duel, which keeps a target busy for 4-5s, provide LC with ways of dictating the conditions of each fight and eliminating an enemy hero before he can do anything.
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