The new season of Apex Legends is here and with it comes a new map and a new legend for players to learn all the tricks. The start of the 15th Apex season has been eagerly awaited, as players are offered a lot.
Broken Moon, Apex’s first new map since the release of Storm Point in Season 11, is the star of the show and will be the main map in both ranked and regular battle royale matches at the start of the season. Catalyst is no different, forcing players to relearn various aspects of the game, from their ability to prevent enemy scans to their dexterity with doors.
New hero with new mechanics
Doors have always been an important part of combat in Apex, with players often attempting to block them, heal behind them, kick them in, or otherwise use them to their advantage. Catalyst’s abilities to lock, fortify, and rebuild doors, bring a new element to the Apex Legends gameplay experience.
In the descriptions provided by the developers for both Catalyst and the new map Broken Moon as a whole, it has often been pointed out that the normal pace and flow of the battles that players face with the current characters on can experience the other maps in the game. The new Zip-Rail system creates a connection between the outer POIs on the map that other maps never had, while also opening up new rotation options for teams and trying to “soften” the influence of other players.
Of course, many players just want some new places to hot-drop, and Season 15 should have a lot to offer in that regard, too. The new POIs on Broken Moon look huge and can easily accommodate multiple teams looking for early fights.
New battle for the new season
besides the new legend and a new map, the new season also brings the usual Battle Pass with new cosmetic items such as stickers that players can unlock, as well as a series of weapon changes that will shake up the game.
All in all, the Apex Legneds Season 15 is a season where players will find entirely new and different ways to play Apex, and that can only be good for the game. Moreover, if you want to try Eclipse, the latest season of Apex Legends, you can now play it on all platforms.
Header: Electronic Arts